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  1. RobertM

    Your Favorite Joke...

    The convicts in Maximum Security had been there so long that they finally gave all the jokes numbers. A convict would step up the bars and shout so everyone could hear, "One sixty-two!" Everyone would break out laughing. Yeah, that was a good one. Another prisoner would stand up and...
  2. RobertM

    waving "hi" from Tucson

    Oops...I meant The Book Crosser. :o
  3. RobertM

    What is your favorite non-fiction genre?

    A sort-of fiction book that later became non-fiction, and one of my favorites is 'The Road Ahead' by Bill Gates. He gets almost everything right, and that ain't bad for 1995...
  4. RobertM

    waving "hi" from Tucson

    Welcome, aquablue...:)
  5. RobertM

    Can anyone compile a small list of classics that every reader should read?

    Enigma says, in part: "stick your nose into Crusoe if you feel the need to understand how the novel began." Yeah, I read THAT book, and that's when I decided Defoe needed an editor in the worst way. Reading the unabridged version is difficult. Defoe went on long religious tirades, often...
  6. RobertM

    Your country's writers.

    AB published one book by a Welsh writer...'Big Bang'.
  7. RobertM

    If anyone can figure this out, I owe you a million bucks!

    A million? Chump change. Quote from the Hunt Brothers, who tried to corner the silver market (and failed) back in the 80's: 'A billion dollars just doesn't buy what it used to...'
  8. RobertM

    'Hole Card'

    'Has the story been submitted..." Um...can't get into the self-promo thing here. Let's just say it's been available for a while.
  9. RobertM

    'Hole Card'

    Oh, I live in Seattle and my buddy Greg, who serves as Techie Guy for Adventure Books, works at Microsoft. He tells us everything that is allowed. (lol) Local news here gets all the MS stuff a day or two before it goes national. Some bars and restaurants in Seattle are already ordering the...
  10. RobertM

    'Hole Card'

    Oh...I just tossed that story together one day after I had some other thoughts about exactly HOW technology has rushed ahead so fast since 1947. I kept wondering how it happened. So, I made up one possible method. Sometimes I think that in a previous life I could have tried subbing some scripts...
  11. RobertM

    'Hole Card'

    Hole Card I was keeping track of the days for a while but they found the pencil stub hidden under my mattress. I discovered it lying unnoticed in a pocket of my jumpsuit and tried to use it. Really stupid of me to keep it under the mattress, though. I should have known better. They find out...
  12. RobertM

    The Most overrated fiction book ever?

    In the realm of 'early' (old) fiction, I would have to say 'Robinson Crusoe'. The first time I read the unabridged version, I found so many damn errors and examples of bad writing. Defoe would often relate events out of order, or play 'catch up', which was distracting. He didn't attribute...
  13. RobertM

    The Earth Shall Topple Upon It's Axis

    Mr Thrustinspirit Writer: First off, 'hipe' is spelled 'hype'. Before you can become an author, you have to learn how to use spellcheck. Writing a book that simply lists strange Biblical-type quotes is not a book. What you need is a main character and a plot to go along with it, otherwise no...
  14. RobertM

    ZOMG! I have a cornea!!!

    I think '1984' is in a select group of books that do not FORECAST the future, as in science fiction, but are those rare titles that WARN us about a possible future if we don't 'change our ways'. Some of the other books in this very special category include 'Fahrenheit 451' and 'Brave New World'.
  15. RobertM

    ZOMG! I have a cornea!!!

    z311y says this about '1984': Whether you are twelve or a hundred and twelve, that book is SUPPOSED to scare you. It has a tendency to remind people what is possible when governments get a bit carried away...(lol) First time I read it I was 14. When you finish it, you could try Orwell's...
  16. RobertM


    I think it's a mistake to point to the money and give that as a reason for feeling King's work has suffered over the last few years. However, I'm not going to sit here and try to tell you that his present work is as good as some of his past work...it is not. I still believe the accident is a...
  17. RobertM


    I hang around King's website occasionally, just a lurker. They take a day or two to post anything because of moderation... He reads ALL the time. Updates constantly, tells you if he liked it or not. Sounds pretty active to me. Stephen King
  18. RobertM

    Good place to buy books?

    Our local Goodwill Industries store has a HUGE book section. Not organized, but good. If not there, then Half-Price. If not there, then Amazon. One place I drop by occasionally is a converted Wild-West saloon from a hundred and some years ago in Black Diamond, Washington called Baker Street...
  19. RobertM


    SevenWritez says, in part: "I'm starting to see how the young Stephen King completely beats the crap out of the old one." Agreed. I have a theory that may explain some of this. I believe King's writing has suffered a bit since his terrible accident, i.e. being hit by that van (?) and being...
  20. RobertM

    Prologue: 'The 13th Day of Christmas'.

    PROLOGUE A cold and miserable rain had been falling on Washington D.C. for a week, casting a damp and oppressive pall over the city. Ashen clouds rolled overhead in an endless parade, dumping their heavy loads of moisture like worshippers filing past a shrine to throw pennies at its feet. A...