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  1. RobertM

    What are you listening to Right now?

    Pearl Jam...assorted songs. :)
  2. RobertM

    New Fro Cincinnati

    Welcome Amy P, mother of two! I visited your profile and saw one of your favorite books is 'The Red Tent'. Is this the story of the ill-fated attempt to reach the North Pole by balloon? (They made a film from this story starring Sean Connery, but it is seldom shown.) I was just wondering.
  3. RobertM

    The Earth Shall Topple Upon It's Axis

    I have to agree with an earlier post regarding Thrustinspirit's book. Just upload the darn thing to Lulu and forget about it. If it sells, it sells.
  4. RobertM

    remember your first chapter book?

    'Robinson Crusoe' by Daniel Defoe. Hard to forget. Last year I edited the entire unabridged manuscript into a more smooth-flowing version. It was well-received. I just couldn't help myself...:)
  5. RobertM

    books on spies and espionage

    Proofreader: This one is an oldie but a goodie: 'The Secret Ways' by Alistair Maclean. Forget about 'The Guns of Navarone'. This one by Maclean is probably his best work. :)
  6. RobertM

    The Earth Shall Topple Upon It's Axis

    Until recently, I was a heavily participating member of the Ray Bradbury Forum, which is run by Ray's publisher. I finally quit because a bunch of members started espousing their religion on the forum, and even starting a 'Pray Ray Into Heaven' movement. It was all ridiculous in the extreme...
  7. RobertM


    Seven asks: Young man, (lol) you just gave away your age as very likely less than 30. Protesters would hang out at airports during the war and watch for servicemen returning from Vietnam. There was little security back then at airports, not like now. The usual thing was to walk up to them...
  8. RobertM


    File Under: Non-Fiction 'Hutch' A Tribute for Memorial Day Well, I was in the old Regular Army back in the Seventies, but I didn't see any action. In fact, I joined up the month after Saigon fell and never got past Missouri. So, my service was pretty minimal. Every Memorial Day I...
  9. RobertM

    You know you're addicted to reading when...

    Your favorite Twilight Zone episode is 'All The Time In The World' with Burgess Meredith...:)
  10. RobertM

    News story - Burning books

    Burning books to protest that less people (he says) are reading is akin to crashing cars into a wall to protest the fact that too many people are bad drivers...(lol)
  11. RobertM

    The Earth Shall Topple Upon It's Axis

    I wouldn't worry about the future too much there, thrustinsprit. It's more likely the Heaven scenario is going like THIS: GOD: 'I was checking the calendar, and isn't it getting close to Revelations time for the old Earth?' ANGEL: 'Let me check...yes, Lord. It is. But I don't think we'll...
  12. RobertM

    The Dice Man - Andrew Dice Clay

    No amount of 'Writer Idol' can beat the record set by the now-defunct forum www.bewrite.net BeWrite is a book publisher that ran a forum from 1999 until February of 2007, when they finally closed the forum. Forum members sent in short stories, which were edited by professionals and posted in...
  13. RobertM


    I read the previous post about comments on the Holocaust and the German people. One thing you have to admit about the Germans, they did try to rectify the poor thinking that led to the Holocaust. You can easily go to prison in Germany simply for going public and denying the Holocaust ever...
  14. RobertM

    Hello all

    Hello Frozeninside! And you like to read...what? :)
  15. RobertM

    Books you didn't finish

    Oh, I used to be a BIG fan of Alistair Maclean. You know him...he wrote 'The Guns of Navarone' etc. I read everything he cranked out, but I noticed some of the later books just didn't have the 'IT' factor of his earlier ones, so I gave up reading them. Later, I found out that Maclean (now...
  16. RobertM

    Harry Potter Seventh Book Pre-Sales Speculations and Discussions

    Wal-Mart ended up shipping a lot of the latest Potter books back. I was at the store a few days after the initial release, and to my surprise, I saw a huge pallet of books sitting by the doors. No one was even looking at them...just walking past. I think sales of Potter books could be in...
  17. RobertM

    The Earth Shall Topple Upon It's Axis

    A long time ago I worked for a couple of years at a halfway house for the mentally ill. Most of them were functional, at least to a point where they could go out in public. Some held jobs. We called these folks 'borderline' cases. When they become too fixated, sometimes we called the 'MHP's'...
  18. RobertM

    Christopher Hitchens: God Is Not Great

    Even AB has some thoughts on this subject, over at our 'Straight Talk' column at Newsvine. Warning: We don't call it 'Straight Talk' for nothing... 'House of Cards - How Politics and Science Have Brought Christianity to Its Knees'
  19. RobertM

    adventure movies

    The Oldies-but-Goodies: 'The Guns of Navarone' 'Robinson Crusoe on Mars' 'Flight of the Phoenix' (James Stewart/Richard Attenborough version) Newer films: I have to leave the newer ones to somebody else...haven't been to the films in over a year. I need to get out more. Not an...
  20. RobertM

    The Dice Man - Andrew Dice Clay

    ManuX says: ManuscriptX, I wasn't referring to YOUR work. I meant Clay's. Haven't seen yours yet. Besides, the editors don't set the prices on books, you should know this. It's the marketing boys. Actually, this is how it works. Publishers set the WHOLESALE price of the book (to...