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Search results

  1. RobertM

    Ishmael Beah: A Long Way Gone - Memoirs of a Boy Soldier

    Ishmael Beah now lives in the United States. His present life is much different than the one he lived in the mid 1990's. At age eleven, he was drafted into the Sierra Leone army to fight the rebels. Some of his friends were even younger, and had to drag their AK-47's along the ground because...
  2. RobertM


    Welcome! Gotta like that username you have...:)
  3. RobertM

    The Dice Man - Andrew Dice Clay

    Well, I can tell you this much... ManuX has NEVER been published by any reputable house, or he would not speak as he does about publishing/editing. He lives in the la-la land of amateur writers, who believe that writers just crank out whatever first-draft junk they wish, and that publishers...
  4. RobertM

    Angels & Demons

    I think we've blasted Dan Brown enough now...(lol) Let's look at the lives of SOME famous authors today. I say SOME, because there are those who remain true to the form that got them where they are today. However...(evil laugh) Occasionally, this is how it works with an author who...
  5. RobertM

    Dan Brown: The Da Vinci Code

    Well, maybe I was a bit harsh back there. It seems like this is the situation with Dan Brown's work: Either you love it or hate it. There doesn't seem to be any middle ground.
  6. RobertM

    Dan Brown: The Da Vinci Code

    Are you sure your initials aren't 'DB'? Next, you'll be telling us about your Potter collection...(lol)
  7. RobertM

    The Dice Man - Andrew Dice Clay

    ManuscriptX says this, (from Andrew Dice Clay): Yes...this is what HE says. The marketing departments and the editors at those publishing houses say those things for a reason. It's not like they DON'T want to sell books, but there are rules. Sounds more like he's angry because they won't...
  8. RobertM

    Good place to buy books?

    Gotta go with Amazon. You can find just about anything there from the book jobbers, too. Like out-of-print or rare titles. Pay close attention to the ratings on these jobbers when you use them.
  9. RobertM

    Hello everyone!

    Welcome, Midnight! :)
  10. RobertM

    Stephen King: Cujo

    Eyezonme says: Most authors peak at some point. One good example might be Alistair Maclean. It doesn't matter. King's stuff still sells, and who knows? He may come up with ONE MORE BIG ONE. You never know. I can't believe you dismissed his terrible accident out of hand. I wonder how well...
  11. RobertM

    Stephen King: Cujo

    Mcilroga comments: You are right, but we have to give King a break. He's lucky to be breathing and still writing. He was walking/jogging (stories differ) and got slammed by a van along the side of the road, and tossed over 20 feet through the air...it's bound to affect you, and King talked...
  12. RobertM


    Well, that WOULD be bad. :cool:
  13. RobertM

    alright let's do this.

    The AB bookkeeper is going to strangle me...I ordered one of Karen Allen's reversible hats. (lol) 120 bucks. Ha ha...I'm dead meat. Nice hat, though. Sure beats the one I have on my head in the avatar picture there. :p
  14. RobertM

    The Complete Guide to Special Event Management

    Just run google on the name. Book pops right to the top of the page...
  15. RobertM


    Yeah...I was a little hard on him there. I really need to set the Editor pen to the side sometimes. :o
  16. RobertM

    alright let's do this.

    Prepare to be surprised... Actress Karen Allen could be the Queen of the Knitters. Don't take MY word for it. Try her OFFICIAL SITE. She is also very gracious, and will send you a free autographed photo (2 choices) if you send her a large-size SASE. Warning: her products (done by her and...
  17. RobertM

    Publish America: Making Books

    I checked the Lightning Source page again for more information. I think your friend signed up with LSI as an author, not a publisher. This means she didn't purchase a block of isbn's under her own prefix, most likely. If you are going to use LSI, you MUST open a bank account in the name...
  18. RobertM

    I need to find this!!!

    Litiny: Pretty good research there. I had not a clue to the book...:o
  19. RobertM

    alright let's do this.

    Novella asks: One really BIG wood raft at Cape Alava, Washington. No doubt about it. Center log was over twenty feet long. I secured a wooden box on the raft to hold my backpack and supplies. Two of the logs in the stern had a gap between them for a mounted tiller. Then, I talked two...
  20. RobertM


    What is it? I like some of the imagery you use, but I think this would be better converted to a poem. It does read a bit like Lewis Carroll. Hint: run spellcheck before posting.:cool: