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Search results

  1. RobertM

    loser narratives

    Novella said: Oh, yes. Hugh was the only one who actually delivered his lines well in the box-office bomb remake of 'Flight of the Phoenix'. The rest of the cast just showed up for the paychecks and mailed in their performances. "It's all YOUR fault...you shouldn't say things like that...
  2. RobertM

    Fatal error

    When you are ready to post the message, highlight it first and right-click and copy... Just in case. :)
  3. RobertM

    Dark Passage : What Dreams May Come

    'Dark Passage' is also the name of the famous film with Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall... After reading manu's explanation for the titles, I'm satisfied though. Question: On those other poems, do you do parody or something on the famous subjects you selected? Is that why you selected those...
  4. RobertM

    Getting Known

    I do have a day job, but I'm also the managing editor for a little press called Adventure Books of Seattle. Book Promotion 101 First, I noticed you said you spent a lot of the budget actually publishing the book. I hope this was for professional editing and formatting, and not just for...
  5. RobertM

    Kurt Vonnegut

    I think Vonnegut is one of those writers you don't miss until you find out he's gone... I know that sounds weird, but I think it's true. :cool:
  6. RobertM

    WWI Literature

    If you read 'All Quiet on the Western Front', and you are reading strictly WW1 literature, you should probably read it LAST, because it is the standard for WW1 books.
  7. RobertM


    I have to agree with most of the comments made about the story. Sounds strange, I know. It was just a throwaway tale, a little flash piece from a couple of years back that I dug from old files. I think originally the flash contest asked for something on 'the environment' or somesuch. After I...
  8. RobertM

    Hi Guys

    "Not bird...nor plane...or even frog. And a welcome to you...Underdawg." :) I couldn't resist paraphrasing from the old cartoon show there. Welcome.
  9. RobertM

    Kurt Vonnegut

    Vonnegut tried to commit suicide in 1984 with pills and alcohol, and later on he made jokes about botching the job. His books are thinly disguised vehicles that showed his view on the world. I read Slaughterhouse Five pretty soon after it first came out. I liked it. Read Breakfast of Champions...
  10. RobertM

    Richard Bachman: Blaze

    Guilty...I haven't been keeping up on his newer stuff. I figure even on a bad day, King can probably scare the heck out of you, anyway. (lol)
  11. RobertM


    A bizarro-world short story. Feel free to tear it to shreds... Addiction The three officers opened the outer airlock door leading to the house. They waited for the standard green light to flash, and then removed their oxygen helmets before knocking. A blonde woman with thin hair...
  12. RobertM

    Dark Passage : What Dreams May Come

    Manuscriptx: No big deal, but do you know that 'What Dreams May Come' is also the title of the film with Robin Williams? Readers may mistakenly associate your poem with it. (I really have to stop being an editor all the time...:) )
  13. RobertM

    What do you hate most about writing?

    Other than an occasional sore behind from sitting too long at the computer...not a thing. When I finish a book, I go camping soon afterward, have a few beers, and do some fishing. :D The best moment is when you finish the edits and realize IT'S PERFECT for that particular book. It's a weird...
  14. RobertM

    Richard Bachman: Blaze

    I am not going to try and tell you that King is currently at the peak of his writing. That would not be true. I think he reached his peak when he wrote 'The Stand'. However, I offer these as possible reasons why Mr King's writing has taken a downturn in the last few years. I think it may...
  15. RobertM

    Harper Lee: To Kill A Mockingbird

    Occlith asks: Tough question. She's more reclusive than Greta Garbo. I mean, has she EVER given a straight-up interview about the book? That was a serious question, by the way...
  16. RobertM


    English major could equal 'writer'... Welcome!:)
  17. RobertM

    Jon Krakauer: Into Thin Air

    Geo says: I read this one too, Geo. I think it was a better-written book than his 'Into Thin Air.' You just wanted to slap the kid for being an idiot, huh? :) Someone needed to take McCandless by the ear, march him home, and make him go out and get a job. (lol) I agree the Shackleton...
  18. RobertM

    Harper Lee: To Kill A Mockingbird

    eyezonme says: And: Well, the first thing I think of when reading these comments is to wonder how I will compose an answer without becoming insulting. You make it difficult, indeed. These comments are more sexist than anything else. The easiest thing would be to roll off a few classic...
  19. RobertM

    From the land of jets and coffee...

    Bren said: Bren may have been referring to the town of Cougar, which still exists and is a major food/gas stop on the way to the St. Helens National Monument. Speaking of St. Helens, I remember the day it blew up. I was clear up in Everett, at least a hundred and twenty miles away, and a...
  20. RobertM

    Bill Gates: The Road Ahead

    It's creepy to read about TODAY'S internet and the advancement of computer technology as written by Bill Gates back in 1994. He actually wrote 'The Road Ahead' between 1992-1993. It's an amazing book, indeed. The first few chapters are a down-to-earth explanation of his early life and how...