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  1. True@1stLight

    Have you met any authors?

    Just a bunch of book signings at Barnes and Noble, and professors. If I had the option Kurt Vonnegut.
  2. True@1stLight

    Suggestions: December 2004

    The Jefferson Bible :)
  3. True@1stLight

    Ayn Rand

    This is true of most people's theories using objective thoughts. Yet, subjectivism is in itself self-contradictary. There will be problems with almost any current way of thinking, otherwise we'd all have everything already figured out.
  4. True@1stLight

    the fartest

    The art of drunken soccer......to be continued
  5. True@1stLight

    the fartest

    Shall I bring the soccer ball?
  6. True@1stLight

    What 's your favourite book character?

    Prince Andrey is the character in literature that has probably best grabbed hold of me, someone I identified with, where I feel as if what happens to him personally affects me.
  7. True@1stLight

    What 's your favourite book character?

    Fyodor Dostoyevsky's main character from Crime and Punishment. Raskolnikov goes through psychological warfare with himself throughout the book. He theorizes that while most people must obey a set standard of rules, those few exceptional humans in the world are exempt from these rules in order...
  8. True@1stLight

    the fartest

    Count me in...I think that would be an experience engrained for all eternity. Have a good weekend crystal! :)
  9. True@1stLight

    If you don't smile ..

    Does that guy have it made or what?! He gets all the pu$$* to himself!! :eek:
  10. True@1stLight

    If you don't smile ..

    Couldn't help it, too cute, didn't stand a chance. Actually got a little chuckle along with the smile. :)
  11. True@1stLight

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far far....

    The calls are coming from INSIDE the house!!!
  12. True@1stLight


    Can't say that I've ever went right from one to the other, I usually like to stew over the book I finished for a bit, thinking about it and paging back through marked sections. Delighted that you found a way to lose yourself in another world though Rainbow, it becomes one of your greatest...
  13. True@1stLight

    Hi I'm ME!

    Nah, that's the reason I came back :)
  14. True@1stLight

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far far....

    Missed you too Irene...Can't wait to get back to reading your excerpts!
  15. True@1stLight

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far far....

    Sweet, thanks! *throws the pancake at the penguin in an act of desperation*
  16. True@1stLight

    Bye for awhile :)

    Welcome back thumper.
  17. True@1stLight

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far far....

    Law School Admission Test, not that I"m entirely certain I want to sell my soul yet. Just opening doors......Good to see you all :)
  18. True@1stLight

    Hi I'm ME!

    The point was just saying hi again since I was gone for so long. But if I have takers on the personal ad ..... ;)