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  1. True@1stLight

    Hi I'm ME!

    I'm a virgo, I like long walks on the beach and watching the sunset with bobby while enema holds the video camera. I worship my goddess, Irene, twice a day at midday and midnight, and I frequently go on biscut binges from some unconcious voice that demands me to eat them feeding my impulse. I...
  2. True@1stLight

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far far....

    Bonjour! Too long it has been indeed. I have finally managed to smash the likes of the LSAT under my heel and have vanquished it's demons eternally. I have however this strange craving for long lost biscuts with a shot of bobby. :) I hope you all have been well, I have passed into and out of...
  3. True@1stLight

    ask bobby something

    Doesn't seem like much has changed here :) Good to see you're still keeping everyone off balance bobby. And Irene, this muffin man you speak of, is he the one that lives on Park Avenue?
  4. True@1stLight

    "Passion" by Mel Gibson

    Nobody ever claimed Freddy or any of those characters were real. People don't change their lives and consequently affect others lives because of idea of Freddy Krueger. Anyway , I wasn't really one way or the other about it. It was just there when I saw it...no affect one way or the other.
  5. True@1stLight

    big and happy

    But come on some get eleven's to make up for it :D
  6. True@1stLight

    Books you wish you'd never bought in the first place!

    The Davinchi Code / Angels and Demons by Dan Brown Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
  7. True@1stLight

    When Did You Last ... ™

    The other night when a spork was pulled on me in a back alley. When did you last do something you normally wouldn't or shouldn't simply because you were in need of a dopamine rush?
  8. True@1stLight

    Currently Reading

    One L......Do I really want to put myself through this?? :eek:
  9. True@1stLight

    Horrible characters

    That was rather harse Walhay. :) Anna Karenina ruined her own book...not that I don't still somewhat enjoy the writing, but definately my least favorite Tolstoy in that I hoped for her death most of the book.
  10. True@1stLight

    big and happy

    Women...........I leave it at that. :rolleyes:
  11. True@1stLight

    Michael Moore - Dude, Where's my country?

    I didn't claim any were, I'm talking theoretically. Because if they couldn't, then why even complain that someone is doing something dishonest to win an election. Would you rather have your guy be honest and have the other win the election? It was meant to be a hypothetical.
  12. True@1stLight

    What About Rankings?

    Would there actually be any purpose for rankings?
  13. True@1stLight

    Michael Moore - Dude, Where's my country?

    The problem is, can an honest person beat a liar in an election without resorting to lies himself?
  14. True@1stLight

    big and happy

    A rather unnecessary post. I mean I gave my sister plenty of crap, but if you really say things like the last part that hardly results in a laugh from me. I suppose if she is thin and just worries like every woman does about it, that might be amusing. But if she's actually overweight as her...
  15. True@1stLight

    My Life by Bill Clinton

    It's an autobiography not a mystery suspense novel. I don't think he wrote it to impress people or be exciting. I found the book informative and enlightening as to the actual process and effects of such a lifestyle. Absolutely brilliant man I might add.
  16. True@1stLight

    My Life by Bill Clinton

    No that's across monica's jacket.
  17. True@1stLight

    Misreadings large and small

    Read any Wittgenstein Novella? Particularly his work titled Philosophical Investigations he moves from his hardcore standard logic based thinking to discussions on what he calls "language games", which we all play. Not sure if you enjoy the philosophy of language, but it's a good read on...
  18. True@1stLight

    Open Water - SPOILERS

    Completely agree with you jenem....I thought some of the visual flashes to scenery and sounds went along precisely with the emotional stages of the main characters. I very much enjoyed the attempt at realism in this movie instead of just another blockbuster where the hero would have speared the...
  19. True@1stLight

    Happy Birthday Internet!

    Ya, she said it wasn't big enough. :eek: Should have known asking the computer most like a human! :(
  20. True@1stLight

    I just finished reading...

    Finished The Sirens of Titan , and loved it as I usually do Vonnegut's books. I had to read Candide again after it with all the talk of meaning in life and purpose....Great combination.. With school starting again now I hope I'm able to keep up with my reading on the side, it looks as if it's...