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  1. True@1stLight

    The Shipping News

    Haven't read the book, but found the movie to be alright. Nothing mind blowing but didn't regret taking the time to watch it. Other movies recently watched and liked...hmm... The Barbarian Invasions....Safe Conduct....still watch fight club every couple of weeks. Why is it you can...
  2. True@1stLight

    What is the darkest most disturbing book?

    Actually, Gravity's Rainbow is sitting in my soon to read pile. After just finishing The Sirens of Titan , and Candide again, I might just have to pick Pynchon up with the credible recommendations being posted. G'night
  3. True@1stLight

    White Oleander

    Hopefully not Detroit, I hear there are dirty people hiding in the dark corners of libraries there! :p
  4. True@1stLight

    I'm a newbi

    Welcome! Wow, how many new people showed up in the few weeks I was gone?! :eek:
  5. True@1stLight

    the olimpics are over

    I've been out of the area for the past few weeks, family obligation. The olympics were a great escape though, I love watching them and got to enjoy almost every event. In particular, I like cycling and soccer and not missing any of the U.S. girls games was great. The controversy thing is...
  6. True@1stLight

    When Did You Last ... ™

    Just got back from one, of course I had just watched an Aronofsky film, so needless to say it was a messed up walk at night. When was the last time you realized you were wrong about something? (and accepted it)
  7. True@1stLight


    Lmao, I love it , the Americans got beat at basketball!!! I can't wait to hear Iverson and Lebron talk about how good they are after that! :D Duncan is the only one I feel bad for. On the other hand congrats to Phelps and some of the other American men and women swimmers like Hanson who have...
  8. True@1stLight


    I might not like the way this country is run sometimes, but screw rooting against my own guys, GO AMERICA ;) (minus track runners, I really don't care about them :p )
  9. True@1stLight

    a whimsical idea

    So size doesn't matter? :D
  10. True@1stLight

    Im back!

    Are we supposed to sing "for he's a jolly good fellow" now?
  11. True@1stLight

    What things you can't live without?

    I'm with Jenem on Milk being necessary. Other than that I could expend Internet and Television happily. I'm gonna go with 1) Milk/Water 2) Aphrodisiacs 3) Outdoors Would not prefer to live without certain other things, but they're not really necessary so I 'd better leave them off.
  12. True@1stLight

    The best so far?

    Overall best book of the year probably War and Peace..... Most unexpected good book of the year goes to the Moviegoer though! Best author of the year Kurt Vonnegut.
  13. True@1stLight


    If you were in a library reading I doubt anyone would start a conversation with you. If you were watching a movie on the grass outside in the middle of a public place, I doubt there would be any more hesitation than if you were reading a book. A movie theatre is a sealed off setting for that...
  14. True@1stLight


    Wow, crazy thing just happened. I went to google and typed in stereotypes, and your paragraph of writing just popped up! Weird :rolleyes:
  15. True@1stLight

    Paulo Coelho

    Liking and wishing for it to be so doesn't make it true though. Just an opinion, but it seems to take responsibility and weight off of people's shoulder's if they believe things are controlled by something far greater or more vast than themselves. We often seem to convince ourselves as humans...
  16. True@1stLight

    Writing that moves you

    Not sure if anyway can understand that quote, unless they've read the book. It needs context, but is quite good in that context. Although, it's moving in a horrific way, rather than a touching one, as the whole of the book is. :eek:
  17. True@1stLight

    Happy Birthday, BobbyBurns, .....(pics)

    Happy Birthday Bobby, sorry I haven't been responding lately, been busy. Don't drink to much..... Great last pic crystal!
  18. True@1stLight


    Oh the hours aren't so bad, but I agree the pay is. Congrats though Sapper, I get the same discount at Barnes and Noble, trust me, it hurts your wallet more than it helps. To easy to rationalize buying just one more to yourself. :o
  19. True@1stLight

    Dan Brown: The Da Vinci Code

    I'm deeply sorry. :D
  20. True@1stLight

    I Missed Everyone. ='(

    Lol, so much for subtlety. Have to whack someone over the head these days huh Rex?