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  1. True@1stLight

    Thoughts into words/Wordless thoughts

    I've read him, but I don't agree with him at all. Of course I don't really buy deconstructionism to begin with, so I suppose that plays a large role. With reference to literature, since it seems particularly relevant to this forum, I don't accept his absolute pluralist view of interpretation...
  2. True@1stLight


    Thank you...... :) The two seemed to keep being equivocated.
  3. True@1stLight


    :confused: hrm......I suppose this depends on your view of what knowledge is ......if you take an evidentialist view, then if you are proven wrong it is not truth no matter what you believe. Truth in such a sense is the relation to reality. I suppose this also brings in what you believe about...
  4. True@1stLight


    Something along the lines of an intentional misrepresentation of what you believe reality to be.
  5. True@1stLight


    I'm not sure that I agree with the reason why, but all truth I would say is relative. Just some statistics..... -only about 22% of American Adults believe that there are absolute truths -40% of Christians think there is absolute truth -16% of Roman Catholics believe there is absolute...
  6. True@1stLight


    I'm not sure what you mean by either part of this sentence as I'm not sure how you're using true....and I don't know what you mean by philosophical level. :confused:
  7. True@1stLight


    See this is why I asked them to distinguish between Capital T or small t truth......Capital T refers to Absolute Truths...... Certainly there are other types of truth that portray propositional facts, acquaintance facts, and procedural knowledge, about the world....In this regard it can be...
  8. True@1stLight


    Absolute Truth.....If it does exist, then we have to answer whether we can actually get to that Truth. In the case of Moral Absolutes, I'm not a believer in absolute truth. In most cases, it seems to be something closer to pragmatic truth anyway. Of course, what is pragmatic for one person...
  9. True@1stLight

    The Great Conversation

    I actually would be very interested in such a thread. I believe everyone has their strengths and weaknesses in reading just as in anything else. Ie. I don't have to work as hard to pull out philosophical implications , yet I struggle and seemingly overlook societal context. A thread that...
  10. True@1stLight

    Plot points you can't stomach?

    Censorship's detriment is prohitbiting people from obtaining something that they would otherwise want to. I don't believe it implies any idea about what we should read. Do the scenes themselves really determine what emotions we "should" emote? Each persons reaction to a given scene would...
  11. True@1stLight


    truth with a small t , as in knowledge of propositional facts, or Truth with a capital T as in universal all encompassing Truths? I know it sounds picky, but this is an epistemological question and each type refers to very different ideas.
  12. True@1stLight

    Plot points you can't stomach?

    Nothing really stops me..... And I'm not sure of the logic above that just because something occurs in the world it is necessary to experience it if you have the chance.
  13. True@1stLight

    can you loose your relation to reality, because of reading?

    If anyone ever ACTUALLY lost reality, they would physically act upon that which they were experiencing......unless anyone has physically jumped up and ran away because they were scared, or ran to save a character they thought was real, I would say that you were still aware that you were reading...
  14. True@1stLight

    New :)

    Very descriptive :p Welcome ;) SHE'S A YANKEES FAN!! EVERYONE GET HER!!
  15. True@1stLight

    Your favourite bookshop / place to buy books

    Barnes and Noble, I work there = 33% off , and the ability to special order any book I like :D
  16. True@1stLight

    Philosophy books

    This also seems like a plausible idea and good starting point.....
  17. True@1stLight

    Philosophy books

    At your nearest bookstore there should be some "Basics" or "Intro" books into specific areas of philosophy. It is most important first I believe to try and figure out which area of philosophy that interests you the most. For example, while I enjoy studying bioethics and epistemology, the...
  18. True@1stLight

    can you loose your relation to reality, because of reading?

    I would never do such a thing :p ....and I would certainly not put our little crystal in such danger :eek:
  19. True@1stLight

    can you loose your relation to reality, because of reading?

    When I read, it's always ME reading a book.....I react to the book. I'm certain I've never actually thought I had become part of the story or any of it's characters. Hrm....maybe I need drugs to help me along.... ;)
  20. True@1stLight

    can you loose your relation to reality, because of reading?

    Everyone has their own way of seeking refuge, I'm not sure why reading a book would be any different than a video game, television, movie, or fasad. :confused: On the other hand, I'm don't know how people can just stay tucked away inside their house. I'm DYING here counting down the days...