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  1. True@1stLight

    My next book?

    I definately am enjoying Vonnegut, although Galapagos much more than Slaughter House Five suprisingly. I had heard so much about SH5 I figured it would be one of his best books. Of course I've only read two, but I immediately fell for his writing style. I should finish up Galapagos tonight...
  2. True@1stLight

    Just in case!

    Aww...No worries Martin, I'm quite used to this scenario by now. Which is why I was warning everyone not to get carried away, it was just in case ;) . Cheer up! :)
  3. True@1stLight

    Just in case!

    Just because everyone seemed so interested a week ago when I was making these posts. Since then I have spent a little time with the girl, talked, and have already become tiresome of her. She is yet another weak willed girl that doesn't have many convictions of her own, living day to day only...
  4. True@1stLight

    Anna Karenina

    Never been a good movie made for this book.....
  5. True@1stLight

    Who would you like to get to know?

    ??? I actually quite resent that comment. But do as you will.
  6. True@1stLight

    new to the board- bookbug :)

    Let me get this straight....you ate her cookies?? Take it where you will folks, I'm just stating the facts. :cool:
  7. True@1stLight

    If you could be a fly on the wall...

    I'm sure you are....which of course begs the question, is she wearing a skirt?
  8. True@1stLight

    Who would you like to get to know?

    ???? Care to explain the last comment actually?
  9. True@1stLight

    If you could be a fly on the wall...

    Raven and RainbowGirl.....things would fly alright.....ewww... :eek: Wait, did you mean it like that? :)
  10. True@1stLight

    Who would you like to get to know?

    Awww...I sawwy Litany...would you like some rabbit stew? It's really good it might cheer you up! :eek:
  11. True@1stLight

    Who would you like to get to know?

    How can you not have AOL, omg I cannot forgive you! :mad: Actually add Wabbit to that list, mostly because we seem to have much in common. Litany- Because I kidnapped one of your rabbits , and Bryan and I are going to Ransom it, so just wonder how you'll react. Watercrystal- I...
  12. True@1stLight

    Who would you like to get to know?

    Well I'm currently talking to Bryan about clubbing baby seals....so he's off the list :) ....other than him though I would definatley enjoy talking to both Litany , and Watercrystal ......hint...gimme your #%* screennames :cool:
  13. True@1stLight

    Who would you like to get to know?

    It seems everyone has become pretty friendly with one another in a short amount of time here. I know I have certainly enjoyed it. I was just thinking about all of the people I would love to have actual conversations with, (such as on a messenger) and I"m sure many others feel the same. So...
  14. True@1stLight

    Fav Poets

  15. True@1stLight

    Why does crap float to the top?

    No worries Bobby, I know you always mean well. Just reminded me of like when a Christian says oh you don't know God now, but someday it'll click. Wasn't offended by it though, just saying. I think I would definately enjoy sitting down and talking with you about a variety of topics. I...
  16. True@1stLight


    Thank you :o .....and may we have the pleasure of your age Crystal? :)
  17. True@1stLight

    Why does crap float to the top?

    I understand what you are saying....I'm simply disagree that desire is necessarily a product of fear from my experiences, knowledge, and so forth. It is not to me only a resistence of fear, but something of itself. And you can't claim that it's not philosophy , if it abides by some type of...
  18. True@1stLight

    Why does crap float to the top?

    By the way I think you and Thomas Hobbes would get along quite well Bobby. If you haven't read Leviathan I think you'd enjoy it, you guys have pretty much the same theory about humans, about our nature, and what motivates us.
  19. True@1stLight

    Why does crap float to the top?

    I disagree.....I don't believe that desire and fear are necessarily inclusive reciprocals of one another at every given instance.
  20. True@1stLight

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    GREAT!!! :) Let me know what ya think!?! I'm on a Vonnegut kick, but am looking forward to getting into more Eco in the future.