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Search results

  1. True@1stLight

    Classic literature

    Somehow I doubt that people are flipping through Vonnegut before turning to Survivor. The books that appeal to them are the fluff that is mass produced these days. The market in this area seems overwhelmingly consumer driven.
  2. True@1stLight

    More forums

    It's not that you're doing a good or bad job, but that you are doing your job, and your job is censoring. A category where censoring isn't necessary and the age is restricted perhaps would seemingly lighten a lot of the problems that occur here, and give you guys a lot less work.
  3. True@1stLight

    More forums

    How about a category where we can post and will be the left alone by moderators? :rolleyes:
  4. True@1stLight

    Top 5 Bands

    No WAY!?? :rolleyes: And Rachel Podger is a violinist.... :eek:
  5. True@1stLight

    Top 5 Bands

    1)Dvorak 2)Copland 3)Rachel Podger 4)Beethoven 5)Bob Dylan
  6. True@1stLight

    Best and Worst

    1)War and Peace 2)To Have and Have Not/Da-Vinci Code/Angels & Demons 3)Treatise on Human Nature 4)....... 5)Was 6)The Giver
  7. True@1stLight

    Favorite Quotes

    "She saw the light again. With some irony in her interrogation, for when one woke at all, one's relations changed, she looked at the steady light, the pitiless, the remorseless, which was so much her, yet so little her, which had her at its beck and call (she woke in the night and saw it bent...
  8. True@1stLight

    Favorite Quotes

    The world is turnin , I hope it don't turn away.......
  9. True@1stLight

    Female Writers

    Now this is a list I definately need to read more from.
  10. True@1stLight

    Classic literature

    Hehe....... :D Yup, must be it. *waves from the high road* :p
  11. True@1stLight

    Favorite Quotes

    You would have to know beauty......but anyway, sounds very Platonic...the idea anyway, Plato actually hated fiction, damned corruptable stories.... :D
  12. True@1stLight

    Classic literature

    No offense, it'll just save me the time of actually having to state it. :D
  13. True@1stLight

    Favorite Quotes

    ............ ;)
  14. True@1stLight

    Favorite Quotes

    Agreed, I don't think it's necessary , but the literature leads to questions that you might not be able to address yourself without looking further. I think it just adds to the basis of knowledge. Enjoyment is really a side point though, whether I enjoy what she's up to or not is really...
  15. True@1stLight

    Mitch Albom: The Five People You Meet In Heaven

    Is it anal that it keeps irking me that the term philosophy keeps being used here?? :p I'm in rather a strange mood with little sleep....don't mind me, just passing through. *wanders off chasing a penguin*
  16. True@1stLight

    Favorite Quotes

    Having finished To the Lighthouse , I am conflicted in what I said earlier. On one hand, I definately think you can read this with no prior knowledge of Woolf. In fact, I think she may actually prefer this. However, my claim seems to be paradoxical in that I am able to make this statement...
  17. True@1stLight

    Classic literature

    Ok my first post was a little too smartass. Instead I'm just going to purpose a principle. From now on, if Sun says something, let's just assume there's a 90% chance I disagree with him. Ok, g'day all! Holiday break has started!! :)
  18. True@1stLight

    Classic literature

    It has to be so boring spitting out the status quo. :rolleyes: G'night all ;)
  19. True@1stLight

    Classic literature

    Easy on Hemingway :mad: The problem with Dickens is he got paid by the word. There's pretty much a guarantee of long winded rants that mean nothing in such literature. Although Dickens as a whole I like, as long as I skim through some parts.
  20. True@1stLight

    Favorite Quotes

    God help you poor soul :eek: