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  1. True@1stLight

    Somethings missing....

    I agree it would have added an important segment to the story though.
  2. True@1stLight

    What are your fears?

    Normality/Mundane repetition.......problems with commitment follow.
  3. True@1stLight

    Irene's Annoying Blaze of Glory

    I will be sure to keep in touch so you can continue sending me your writing.... ;) You'll be missed.....
  4. True@1stLight

    Suggestions for a melancholic

    "Pleasure and pain, which are two sentiments so different in themselves, differ not so much in thier cause...The heart likes naturally to be moved and affected. Melancholy objects suit it, and even disatrous and sorrowful, provided they are softened by some circumstance. It is certain that, on...
  5. True@1stLight


    Thank you, I have a degree in philosophy, I've read Nietzsche. I think you need to work on interpreting meaning from people's posts on here, because you seem to utterly miss the point. I agree with Crystal though, lets drop this thread.... Thanks for that Raven :p
  6. True@1stLight

    Classic literature

    Apologies, I know it's a book forum and I got into the discussion about him, it would usually follow that I share my thoughts. It's just these hold a bit more personal meaning to me..... :o
  7. True@1stLight

    One more before you die.

    Ok....guess I thought you were making more of a judgement for everyone on what was a sufficient last moment..... :)
  8. True@1stLight

    Classic literature

    Yes, in this case, I think we definatley need to look at what the authors life was like. Hemingway's stories are too heavily influenced by his life to ignore it. My thoughts about Hemingway are quite complicated and unique though, I'm not sure that I really want to draw them out...
  9. True@1stLight

    One more before you die.

    I was never under the impression that this was our last moments of life, simply that we were able to read only one more book before we die. It's not as if when the book is finished your life is extinguished. In any case, even if it was my last moments, I'm not sure I really care what...
  10. True@1stLight

    Classic literature

    I just think that's the common misconception......though you are in very good company if you believe so.
  11. True@1stLight


    Wow, based on your response...I'm not even going to try....scary. All yours Bobby.
  12. True@1stLight

    Amazing historical fiction

    Just to add a name to the list if I may....Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Both the Gulag Archipelago and the Red Wheel stand out in my mind as must reads if you are as infatuated with Russian History and literature as I. ~True
  13. True@1stLight

    Classic literature

    Very vivid short stories, also a very good starting point for someone acquainting with Hemmingway.
  14. True@1stLight


    I'm sure Bobby will get to this, but I can't help it in the meantime. First, I'm not sure when spending time in a so called "nut house" was the indicator of ones sanity. Does it then follow that if you live mundanely in society you are not insane? Seems too much like a gross...
  15. True@1stLight

    What are you craving?

    I'm cravin some sweet, sweet lovin! :D
  16. True@1stLight

    What are you craving?

    :D By the way, welcome back Novella
  17. True@1stLight

    Diseases I Have Listened About in My Recent Travels Abroad

    I say we begin a grand scheme to swap partners. Break off the southern US and southern Britain and put them together. Then northern Britain and US could combine. Hmm....but who gets to be on the North side of the new formation??? :rolleyes:
  18. True@1stLight

    Diseases I Have Listened About in My Recent Travels Abroad

    Why is it that the South of every country is denigrated? Not saying it's undeserved in some cases......
  19. True@1stLight

    How well read are you?

    I've read mostly philosophy, a significant amount on international politics, and am beginning to make a dent in literature. I'm starting to gather a significant pile of literature finished on my bookshelves, but there is much more than I can ever hope to get to. Although I do agree to be...
  20. True@1stLight

    Classic literature

    If you mean his novels, then I would say For Whom the Bell Tolls since it seems to be pretty universally enjoyed. My personal favorite is The Sun Also Rises , but it's a little more layered. If you want to get more of a feel for him first, his short stories are a great place to start...