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  1. True@1stLight

    One more before you die.

    Analytic truths seem to be hard to deny. And we certainly take many things to be knowledge, so we must believe there a certain amount of things we can determine as right.
  2. True@1stLight

    Americano Culture

    Perhaps people are just identifying where they are from, and don't necessarily care whether others know it......I've seen names of cities on profiles from Europe that I am clueless about until I look them up. However, I don't think they were assuming that myself, or everyone should necessarily...
  3. True@1stLight

    One more before you die.

    The argument is slightly more complicated. ;) I have to run to class but I'll try and put the jist of it up at a later time.
  4. True@1stLight

    What are you snacking on today? :-D

    I'm a fan of 100% cocoa more than milk chocolate. It's got more of a bitter taste than sweet in it's pure form.
  5. True@1stLight

    One more before you die.

    One of my favorite questions about death that Nagel attempts to answer is "Why would the period of nonexistence after our death be bad, if the period before our birth is not considered so?" ~True
  6. True@1stLight

    One more before you die.

    Ya, I possess this ill trait of preferring understanding....it will be both my greatest strength and weakness in life, I guarantee it.
  7. True@1stLight

    Following Protocol: Hello.

    Well I'm convinced the entrace to Narnia lies in the back of the dryer. Honestly, where else do things disappear so randomly?!
  8. True@1stLight

    One more before you die.

    Nagel's Death ....seems it would be the most appropriate.
  9. True@1stLight

    Following Protocol: Hello.

    .....follow the white rabbit's socks A new concept to be certain. :)
  10. True@1stLight

    Fictional best friend

    If I ever met Natasha I would throw her on the corner like the unfaithful wench that she is! :mad: The Prince and I would get along quite well though....I would enjoy that meeting :)
  11. True@1stLight

    Fictional best friend

    Lady Brett Ashley from The Sun Also Rises .....yowza ;) If it's for the conversation, then Porfiry Petrovich comes to mind from Crime and Punishment
  12. True@1stLight


    I will only say maybe........ :o
  13. True@1stLight


    It invovled a muzzle and ravine.....
  14. True@1stLight

    What are you snacking on today? :-D

    Always fun to watch all the girls at my school jump on the machines, then immediately run over to the scale afterwards.... :rolleyes:
  15. True@1stLight

    What are you snacking on today? :-D

  16. True@1stLight

    famous face

    How lucky of a lady is Ice?! ....jealousy rearing it's ugly head :o
  17. True@1stLight

    Classic literature

    I would say definately read For Whom the Bell Tolls, for it's descriptions alone it's worth the read. I had my favorite excerpt floating around the forum somewhere.... :confused: Anyway, I'm interested to read The Once and Future King...I"m not sure if it's officially a classic or not...
  18. True@1stLight

    famous face

    Can it talk?? And if so, from which end?
  19. True@1stLight


    *cue scary music* *A rabbit hops across the screen unknowingly stalked by the terror that is.....*
  20. True@1stLight

    Bruce Almighty

    Man in the Moon was brilliant......I also enjoy most of Jim Carey's quasi serious films. I've seen him talk seriously in interviews before and I tend to believe he's got something special. Everyone has those actors that they see as bringing more to the table than people realize, Jim Carey is...