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  1. francesca

    The Village....There was a book that was similar to the story...

    I feel sorry for that author having to associate herself with this film, it was a truly awful waste of time and money.
  2. francesca

    Hello all, i'm new here.

    Welcome to the forum
  3. francesca


    Hello and Welcome
  4. francesca

    Favourite Biographies

    If you were recommending some favourite biographies, what would they be and why? Among my much loved are Fanny Burney by Claire Harman Daphne Du Maurier by Margaret Forster Jane Austen A Life by Claire Tomalin Georgia O'Keeffe by Roxana Robinson All fascinating reads, although...
  5. francesca

    Worst non-fiction book

    I give you Dakota Epic by Bill Markley... Mr Markley is a battle re-enactment enthusiast who took part in the film Dances With Wolves, and this mercifully slim volume recounts his experiences. There are some people who have the knack of turning a potentially interesting subject - in this...
  6. francesca

    Music Forum in Non-Book Discussions?

    I vote yes just so that some of us can rave about Prince.......
  7. francesca

    What character in a book reminds you of yourself?

    Oh and PS, sign me up for the Prince Appreciation Society too, he is The Man.
  8. francesca


    I made mine with PSP, and yes I know its a bit crap, so I'm currently on the look out for something more....er...representative of me rather than where I live.
  9. francesca

    What character in a book reminds you of yourself?

    Im probably more like Mrs Bennet :( My mother always used to call me Scarlett O'Hara because I was always going to do something or think about something tomorrow ( and for my ability to run up a seductive gown out of the sitting room curtains ).
  10. francesca

    Large book chains vs. small indep.stores-which do you prefer?

    I'll buy books anywhere, online, big stores, small independants. All of the bookshops in my town, and for a small community we are really well provided, are small family owned shops, very small but with deliciously browser-enticing ceiling high stacks of books. Considering how small the...
  11. francesca


    Hello, CDA, welcome to the forum
  12. francesca

    what's everyone up to today?

    I have been looking at the Pilates for Dummies DVD.............just watching it mind, not actually doing anything. Maybe tomorrow, if I can get up the courage. The Sirocco is blowing here today, its as hot as hell and the sky is yellowy orange-scary.
  13. francesca

    best concert

    T Rex at the Roundhouse London 1970's (my velvet loon pants split) David Bowie, Ziggy Stardust and Aladin Sane tours, London, Liverpool and Chatham ( yes I had a huge crush) The Jam at Shepton Mallet ( last tour)
  14. francesca

    do you keep a book list?

    Renee, that's such a coincidence, because I am just starting to do exactly the same thing in relation to books...... I just cant keep track of all the stuff I want to read. I've got lots of ideas from this forum alone, but as I cant possibly buy everything at once, I need to have some kind of...
  15. francesca

    Can You Part With Them Easily?

    This is the source of an ongoing difference of opinion in our household. I just cannot bear to throw books away, I do re-read books I love so that partly explains it, other than that I just like to keep them. I do lend them to friends and family when they come here to stay, as long as they can...
  16. francesca

    When your reading time is interrupted-what do you do?

    I'm going through the same thing at the moment as we have had various people come to stay.Its frustrating but I try to get some reading in when it won't impact on other people - first thing in the morning, during siesta, or last thing at night. I tell myself a little time to myself is better...
  17. francesca

    Currently Reading

    I cannot believe I am still reading A Personal Matter by Kenzaburo Oe. This book is 150 pages long and I can't seem to get past the first 20 which, because I haven't had time to have a really good go at it, I have to keep re-reading. I hate giving up on something, and as I also have The Silent...
  18. francesca

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Ai Confini Del Mare (The Far Side of the World) by Patrick O'Brian An interesting challenge - expect me to be up to speed on all things nautical in Italian any day now....
  19. francesca


    Welcome to the forum, Caelda
  20. francesca

    'lo from the UK

    Hello there in the UK, welcome