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  1. francesca


    That was probably one of mine then, Robert ;)
  2. francesca

    Online Book Buying

    Goodness, Tom, have you told them?? I am currently so impressed with Amazon. I order a lot of books online from them, and they are generally here in Italy in about 4 days. My last order hadnt arrived after the suggested time of about 10 days, so I emailed them yesterday afternoon expressing my...
  3. francesca

    Hey now - an author joins the group!

    Hello and welcome ArJohn, tell us a bit more about your writing......
  4. francesca

    hi all

    Hell there, enjoy your summer!
  5. francesca

    Ive looked at the FAQ's but...

    ooh thanks for all of that, sorry to be so lame. I'll give it a little practise next time, thanks.
  6. francesca

    Defined by our job

    My husband is a chef, always has been, always will be. It's in his blood, it says everything about him and he is immensely proud of that. He has acheived so much despite having no formal education at all and coming from a very poor and isolated country. He is right to be proud and yes it is an...
  7. francesca

    Ive looked at the FAQ's but...

    I can't seem to find a way to quote just part of a post. Sometimes I just want to pick out a phrase but I don't seem to be able to get the hang of it, Sorry to be such an internet incompetent, but can someone help me? I didnt want to hijack an existing thread and butt in with this... Thanks, F
  8. francesca

    What do you use as a bookmark?

    I try really hard to use the bookmarks that come free with most of the books I buy, but *hangs head in shame* I nearly always end up folding the corner of the page.Naughty naughty.
  9. francesca

    Whats the longest you have ever spent buying a book

    That could have been me speaking! Im like a kid let loose in a sweetshop, I have a basket-full immediately, then I have to spend a few hours making some serious decisions about how much I can afford to spend ( although I can always justify the money spent on books if pushed) A book shop has just...
  10. francesca

    Glad to Have Found this Forum

    I was spoilt for choice for truly horrible pictures of this thing on the internet, I would have downloaded one for you all, but can't figure out how to do it :confused:
  11. francesca

    New Guy from Israel

    Hello and welcome to the forum..
  12. francesca

    Defined by our job

    Lol, Mari, you are SO right!! :D
  13. francesca

    hurricane and family

    take care honeydevil, keep in touch and let us know you are all ok...
  14. francesca

    Defined by our job

    This is such an interesting topic for me because, like Wabbit, I always held to the idea that we aren't defined by the job that we do, it doesn't make us what we are as people. But that was when I actually had a job, one which I loved, one which I seemed to be made for, a job that I did well...
  15. francesca


    Hi and welcome Snow white
  16. francesca

    I'm a newbie!

    Well now we have been formally introduced---Hi there! I liked the info that you wrote about yourself, do you just dream of writing or do you actually write?
  17. francesca

    Haruki Murakami

    Thanks for that Mark, I'll add them to the ever growing list
  18. francesca

    Another new one for the group

    Welcome to the group Kai.
  19. francesca

    Law and Order (Classic, SVU, CI, and TbJ)

    I LOVE Criminal Intent, and yes mostly because Vincent is soooo cool. ;) While I was on holiday in the UK I bought the DVD box set, I rationed myself to 2 episodes a night, and was devastated when I realised I was on the last disc..I just have to wait a few weeks for them to fade from memory ...
  20. francesca

    Glad to Have Found this Forum

    Maybe we should call the Dr...VanHelsing?????