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  1. francesca

    Usernames!!!! How did you get yours?

    Its probably the equivalent of an Italian chavette name or maybe I should say chavella name ?? :D
  2. francesca

    Michel Faber

    You haven't seen me mate!....Or have you? :eek: *thinks carefully about random internet contacts*
  3. francesca

    Glad to Have Found this Forum

    You win! But hey Dakota where are you, you should be able to beat us both hands down!
  4. francesca

    Glad to Have Found this Forum

    Dammit Wabbit, you slayed me with that one, I'll stake my life on it that no-one can better you!
  5. francesca

    smoking in public laws

    Listen, I'd be more than happy to live my life segregated away with all the smokers, provided I wouldn't be lumped in with the drinkers and the druggers as for me, drunks and druggers are as I am to you non smokers...not sure if that made any sense whatsoever. :D
  6. francesca

    Usernames!!!! How did you get yours?

    Its my name! My mother gave it to me after hearing it in a film but back in those far off days, Francesca was a very unusual name in the UK. I have now acquired an Italian husband to get the full italian name set, but of course here in Italy every other woman is called Francesca, its as common...
  7. francesca

    Why is it so bloody hard ..

    Trains, Planes and Automobiles.....I laughed so much I thought I was going to pass out.
  8. francesca

    The Sopranos!!!!!!!

    Ahhh me Robert, I just popped on here in as you asked but sadly I have never seen the Sopranos , although so many people have told me I would love it. The reason for this was that when I lived in the UK I was working on the evening it went out, and sadly its not been on here in Italy in the 3...
  9. francesca

    Glad to Have Found this Forum

    Hee Hee :D Nice to have some new blood here!! I'm new too but haven't read too much fangfiction, I like Anne Rice though..
  10. francesca

    Hello from Chicago!

    Hi Isabel, I'm new too and hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I loved to read about your family reading sessions..my hubby doesnt read much either, or my 3 cats, but hey you can't win them all...
  11. francesca

    Michel Faber

    I just ripped through this book, I was completely in love with it and never wanted it to end. When it did, I was really bought back to earth with a bump, I just sat there thinking that maybe I'd missed something and went back and re-read the last chapters over again, but maybe it was just Fabers...
  12. francesca

    Haruki Murakami

    I'm trying to read everything I can lay my hands on by Murakami, The Wind Up Bird Chronicle was a random choice made by a friend for something we could read together and talk about, as soon as I started it I was totally hooked. The problem I have is actually putting into words what I feel about...
  13. francesca

    Mario Puzo

    I loved Casino, its one of my all time favourites, in fact I've loved everything Scorcese has done. Come to that I love FFC as well, lol...obviously they have become somehow welded together in my little head... :D
  14. francesca

    best book to movie adaptation

    I just thought of a couple more films that made good work of representing the books -- The Wings of the Dove and The Golden Bowl. They both actually enhanced my understanding of the books, which I re-read after seeing the films.
  15. francesca

    How do you feel when....

    Thank goodness I'm not the only one then! I do have to wait at least a few hours before I pick up a new book, just for some emotional closure. The exception I would make is when I read something that is a very quick read, for example a thriller as, and I hesitate to say this, light relief...
  16. francesca


    I buy both partly because as a lot of people have already pointed out, new books are so expensive but also because I love the look and feel of them. I will also be less discriminate and therefore turn up stuff I wouldnt have otherwise bought, and like Wabbit I love that musky old book smell, I...
  17. francesca

    smoking in public laws

    I smoke and I love it, but I am not in denial about the harm it does me, and other people. Here in Italy, the no-smoking in bars, restaurants and shops etc came into force in January. Its been a wierd experience. The bars that are ok are the ones with the most tables outside ( and luckily we...
  18. francesca

    Dan Brown

    I am probably the only person who hasn't got around to the da Vinci Code yet, but I like those engaging type of thrillers, it sounds intriguiging, so its on my wish list for my next visit to Amazon.
  19. francesca

    Mario Puzo

    LMAO, I stand corrected! Great films though....I wonder what they would have been like if Martin Scorcese had directed them, hmmmm.
  20. francesca

    Google Earth

    Hey, I just downloaded that, it is really cool! I managed to find our condo but it was too fuzzy to see in detail ( naturally I was hoping to see my cats sitting in the garden, lol) It's great fun, should keep me happy for a few hours.......