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  1. francesca

    List your favorite Stephen King novels

    Its ages since I read any of his books, but I remember when I read The Shining, I was actually frightened to turn over the page. Christine was good too, but the film didnt get anywhere near it.
  2. francesca

    How do you feel when....

    How do you feel when you have just closed the last page of a book and its all over? I've noticed that I feel really down in the aftermath of a good book, its like a kind of regret or greiving...is this just me or does anyone else feel strange when they finish a book? :confused:
  3. francesca

    Mario Puzo

    I've only read the Godfather, and I was gutted! I thought it was really poorly written. Its a tribute to Martin Scorcese's vision that he managed to produce such an amazing set of films based on this one book. To be honest it put me off reading anything else by Puzo.
  4. francesca

    Hi folks I'm new to the site!!!

    Hello Robert and welcome, I'm new too, look forward to seeing you on the boards..F
  5. francesca

    about me

    Hello there, Ruby and welcome
  6. francesca

    Ed McBain

    I don't know if this has already been posted anywhere, but I just read that Ed McBain has died. Last summer I had a temporary tattoo put on my shoulder of a lacy black butterfly, just like Teddie's. Hopefully fans of McBain might know what I'm talking about! RIP
  7. francesca


    Welocme from one newbie to another....enjoy!
  8. francesca

    I just finished reading...

    Oh, please do try and read it soon, I'd love to discuss it, in fact I might get it in translation myself to see how the two compare. I feel another visit to Amazon coming on!
  9. francesca

    best book to movie adaptation

    I dont think its reasonable to expect that a film will faithfully reproduce a book, given that most films run for about 90 minutes and tell a story in a completely different way. However if it is done well, a film can represent a book and do it very well. I'm always interested in book to film...
  10. francesca

    I just finished reading...

    Io Non Ho Paura by Niccolò Ammaniti I closed the pages of this book about half an hour ago and I just wanted to share with everyone what a wonderful piece of writing this is. I wasn't sure about reading it as it is in Italian and I didn't think my language skills were really up to it, but as...
  11. francesca

    'Rubicon' by Tom Holland

    I'm about 2 chapters into this one, its a lot less dry than Gibbons, I'm ashamed to say I gave up on that very quickly. It hasn't exactly grabbed me yet, but its early days, I'll let you know how I get on.
  12. francesca

    Paul Auster

    I loved New York Trilogy, it really stretched me, I found myself thinking about it long after I had finished it. Thanks for reminding me about PA, I'll def be reading some more of his work now.
  13. francesca

    Hello from Italy

    Thank you everyone ...for the warm welcome, that previous reply was for Maya, bear with me while I get the hang of this! And yes Wabbit, always room for one more as long as you bring some books :)
  14. francesca

    Hello from Italy

    Hi there, my favourite at the moment is The Wind Up Bird Chronicle, its the first one that I read and still my favourite. What about you? F
  15. francesca

    Hello from Italy

    This site was recommended to me, and it looks good! My name's Francesca, I'm British and living in Italy. The only thing I miss about the UK is the availability of books in english, but that's why God gave us Amazon. I love reading books, talking about books and I only wish I could write books...