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  1. francesca


    I've only seen three..Festen, Breaking the Waves and Dancer in the Dark. I loved the idea of Dogme, if only because film is such a great medium but has become so overtaken by making money and bums on seats, and its rare that innovation reaches the mainstream. Festen was an extraordinary...
  2. francesca

    Michel Faber

    I don't know that it necessarily meant anything. Books dont always have a 'meaning' as such, and in my opinion having thought about it a lot since I read it, I think the ambiguity of the ending demonstrated exactly that. For me it was a beautifully written literary experience. We are taken into...
  3. francesca

    Nobel Prize in Literature: Laureates

    That's a coincidence, I just posted in another thread about Grazia Deledda. Sometimes partly autobiographical, sometimes drawing on Sardinian folklore, her writing is very 'quiet', understated but quite beautifully observant. Given her surroundings - the mountain town of Nuoro, still...
  4. francesca

    Reading in a Foreign Language

    I started reading in Italian because... I live here and want to feel more comfortable with the language, written as well as oral.Language skills don't come naturally to me, but reading does so I thought it was worth trying. I want to be able to pop out and buy books at my local (very...
  5. francesca

    Books you are afraid to post about.

    Well how many do? Do we know? Can we find out? I don't have kids but I would be interested to know from other parents here whether love of Harry has encouraged their children to explore? Who can say that in a few years time, these people who started with HP won't be reading many types of...
  6. francesca

    Greetings! From an Asia girl..

    Im very late already, welcome to the forum Chew!
  7. francesca

    Which films or books have challenged the way you think?

    I don't tknow that these films have challenged my way of thinking generally, but have opened up my view of what can be done with film Death in Venice directed by Lucino Visconti Sensitive treatment, an amazing performance by Dirk Bogarde and beautiful music, I found it really affecting. It...
  8. francesca


    Sorry to interrupt, but can I just say Happy Birthday to everyone? Thanks. Happy Birthday then. :)
  9. francesca

    Webcams for female users

    Why is it that everytime I'm awol for a couple of days, I miss these topics? I was so excited when I saw this thread, dusted the webcam off and everything...oh well, going topless for me isn't really an option anyway, at least not if I want to see the keyboard..
  10. francesca

    Internet words hurt

    Rainbow, I haven't been around for a couple of days so missed out on the start of this thread, just wanted to say to you that I really understand how bad you feel. To read something about yourself like this without recourse to defending yourself can make you feel so powerless and angry. If...
  11. francesca

    Suggestions: October book of the month

    I'm also up for Sirmyk's Palindrome Hannah, its about to arrive in the post, hopefully today--available on Amazon folks. I dont know why people get so uptight about things here ( threads above). This is just a democratic discussion on choosing a book. It's up to members to decide whether they...
  12. francesca

    I'm New Here!

    Welcome to the forum!
  13. francesca

    Hello there

    I'm a bit late getting here, welcome to the forum moltomezzo--interesting name btw!
  14. francesca

    For the Young at Heart

    Poopsie Applemouth checking in with a hangover..I think this is prob the only thread I'm going to be able to contribute to today....
  15. francesca

    what's everyone up to today?

    I'm all over the place. I went outside about an hour ago and found my tortoise on his back, I don't know how long he had been there, but he was scared shitless ( he had had a few commotions in his underpants). Ive righted him and given him some nice iceberg lettuce but he has scuttled off and...
  16. francesca

    GUYS: Do you REALLY mind if the woman

    OMG whats THAT??? He looks like I knitted his outfit
  17. francesca

    GUYS: Do you REALLY mind if the woman

    Just speaking the plain truth, that's all! If I had the skills of Jane Austen I might have been able to put it a little differently *sighs*
  18. francesca

    GUYS: Do you REALLY mind if the woman

    And we are buying shoes- no contest. And you can get your own tea as well....... :mad:
  19. francesca

    GUYS: Do you REALLY mind if the woman

    I don't think men mind a woman making the first move, why, when I met my hubby I just threw him on the bed and jumped on him and I don't recall him complaining at all. No, this is too much information and makes me sound like a trollope.... Ahem, I agree with the notion that men are just as...
  20. francesca

    what's everyone up to today?

    Blimey you brainy thing! Congratulations, thats a fantastic result.