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  1. francesca

    for evolution vs creation discussion followers

    I think it's probably been going on a bit longer than that and not only on Yahoo hasnt it?
  2. francesca

    Dubbing v Subbing

    Yes, for some of us who live in non english speaking countries, it isnt an option, just a necessary evil and nothing to be done. I prefer subtitles, because I like to see a film as the director intended it to be seen, same as I like a book stay as it was written, not edited to make it more...
  3. francesca

    Getting Logged Out (and losing your post)

    logged out Is there a time limit on being logged in? Nearly every time I write reasonably lengthy reply, when I go to post it, I'm told I'm not logged in ( although I was when I started the post). It meant I had to start all over again. I've just had it happen again, its really disheartening...
  4. francesca

    Vegitarian help please....

    How do you mean, replacement? Are you looking for something that imitates the taste or an equivalent in terms of nutrition? If you are looking for something with the same taste and feel, as regular meat eaters, I doubt that you will find it, but as far as nutrition is concerned there are plenty...
  5. francesca

    Cormac McCarthy: No Country For Old Men

    Dammit Lenny, its not availably yet in the UK, except in pricey hardback version...I'll hang on a bit for the paperback, but if it doesn't come out soon I might have to hit the credit card again :(
  6. francesca

    Siska...fellow europeans

    I would think that if it was a cheap looking programme, but it isn't. It seems to have very high production values, and the acting is excellent.
  7. francesca

    Siska...fellow europeans

    I love Inspector Derrick! Comissario Rex is shown here at prime time as well, but then kid's dont seem to go to bed before midnight, so that should tell you what Italian TV is like.
  8. francesca

    Vegitarian help please....

    I was a vegetarian for 15 years, and they were the most healthy years of my life...then I met and married an Italian chef, and although the spirit was trying to be willing, the flesh got weak ( well caved in immediately actually). Now I'm about 5 kilos overweight and have a cholesterol level...
  9. francesca

    scary or disturbing book?

    I'll fourth it
  10. francesca

    Haruki Murakami

    This is one of the things I love about Lynch and one of the things I love about HM. When we were showing Lost Highway at the centre I worked in the UK, so many people expected an explanation as to what had 'happened' in this film and 'how' could certain things have happened. Its really difficult...
  11. francesca

    Writing Letters

    I'm a member! :)
  12. francesca

    OK then, we've debated Liv Tyler, now... is THIS perfection?

    Naked men as well Martin, equal opportunities and all that, so don't be shy..
  13. francesca

    Trying to understand people

    I think that's fine, the introductions are a bit like going on those work courses, or starting an evening class, and you just know that the person in charge is going to say 'Lets go round the room, everyone introduce themselves and tell us a bit about why they are here'' and you just want to...
  14. francesca

    Haruki Murakami

    I'm thinking about Lost Highway, one of my favourite Lynch films, and how close it is in style to HM. I would really love to see a Lynchian treatment of Dance Dance Dance, it's exactly the right material. Oh dear, what's the next stage after Old Timers for those of us who's 30's are a...
  15. francesca

    Hello there

    Hello Bonzo, love that avatar, welcome and enjoy!
  16. francesca

    Hello from london

    Hello Jas and welcome, look forward to reading your thread on Lee Child
  17. francesca


    Hello Breaca, hope you enjoy it here
  18. francesca

    Trying to understand people

    Nicely put if a bit shudder making. It occured to me after I had posted that perhaps some people can't find the confidence to post, I think that happens a lot when people are new to forums. It can also be hard trying to get into an established forum, I' sure some people like the attention...
  19. francesca

    Siska...fellow europeans

    I ought to try that again, I couldnt find anything the first time I searched. Well now dubbing! I would never watch anything in the UK that was dubbed, but here its an art form in itself, and actually the Italians do it very well. Tom Cruise dubbed sounds exactly like Tom Cruise speaking...
  20. francesca

    Haruki Murakami

    I just lost my reply too, damn :mad: These suggestions are just what I need, until now I have been randomly buying and needed some structure, so I welcome the input. I feel like a sort of Italian version of Sheila Graham with a couple of Ernest Hemingways, this forum is so good. (I feel a...