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  1. francesca

    Fantasy Dinner Party!!!!!

    While I pass the Ferrero Rocher I'd like to listen to these people chatting... Jane Austen Charlotte Bronte Georgia O'Keeffe Frida Kahlo Fanny Burns My Best Friend Lyndsey (Of course there is another list involving me and gentlemen of the calibre of George Clooney, various Italian...
  2. francesca

    Happy Birthday Jenem

    Buon Compleanno from Italy, Leos rule.......
  3. francesca

    what's everyone up to today?

    I just posted what turned out to be a rant about Yahoo in this thread only to find that I'd been logged out, but I'm over it now so you are all spared that. I've just made some coffee and am trying not to think about food........apart from that all the usual suspects are lined up for...
  4. francesca

    What would you do with the day?

    Id spend the 24 hours reading, smoking, drinking coffee, snacking on junk food, with some enjoyably aimless wandering from room to room for light entertainment, and I'd reserve the early hours of the morning for being online, just for a change of scenery.I've also often fancied the idea of...
  5. francesca

    WorldCon 2005

    Oh yes one should, I love Stewart's impudence and positively look forward to it.
  6. francesca

    Crushes on fictional characters

    Mr Rochester and Aragorn---wouldnt mind being the cheese in that sandwich...........
  7. francesca

    first timer

    Hello there jufoo, hope you enjoy the forum
  8. francesca

    Hello everyone..

    Welcome to the forum
  9. francesca

    Darth knows

    He couldnt get mine either, I was thinking native americans, but he did come up with ponytail, close-ish...what was that guy waving the sword all about in the background, he cracked me up.....great fun Wabbit!
  10. francesca

    What are you listening to Right now?

    Pearl Days by Elisa ....lovely
  11. francesca


    You know, it would almost be acceptable if people at least made a show of wanting to be part of this forum. Its great and good that there are writers on here, but honestly some of these things are just so blatant -its just rude and arrogant...there is another one on here this morning...
  12. francesca

    WorldCon 2005

    Anyone wearing Mr Spock ears
  13. francesca

    Widescreen posts, help!

    Ahh ok, thanks Stewart, I'll go and edit it now..thanks for the help
  14. francesca

    Widescreen posts, help!

    At some point this morning, I've obviously messed around with something on here and my posts seem to be coming up in widescreen format...the only thing I have done which is different, is update my profile details, re what I am currently reading and about to read..did I put too much on those and...
  15. francesca

    Lionel Shriver: We Need To Talk About Kevin

    Jay that's such a kind thing to offer, and I thank you so much, but I am going to order 'Kevin' and if I like it I will probably order some of Shrivers other work in the next few months - once I find someone I like I do tend to buy everything I can lay my hands on. I look forward to posting...
  16. francesca

    what's everyone up to today?

    Good luck with that, what are you looking for?
  17. francesca

    what's everyone up to today?

    Ive had a very productive morning so far. Battled my way around the local supermarket without the need to assist forlorn British tourists who can't work out the fruit and veg weighing system, cooked up a tasty pile of broccoli,spinach and carrots for my tortoise,conserved the stock for the...
  18. francesca

    Lionel Shriver: We Need To Talk About Kevin

    Ive been following this thread with interest as I'd never heard of Lionel Shriver before - shame on me. Now my question is this. I can afford to add just one more book to my Amazon order today, and having read this thread I now want to read Shriver. So, should it be 'Kevin' or 'Bleeding...
  19. francesca

    Writer's blog

    The 'background' didn't hold water either and I think I spotted a teeny spelling mistake along the way................
  20. francesca

    hardback or softback books? Which do you prefer?

    I voted softback because they are cheaper........and easier to read in bed. However, the next time I buy a book about an artist I will be getting hardback, the reproductions of paintings etc are much better.