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    Books you didn't finish

    I didn't finish the book Dreamcatcher by Stephen King.....I normally love him but ughhhhhhh.
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    Worst or most disappointing book?

    The most dissappointing book I ever read was "Dreamcatcher" by Stephen King. I am an avid fan of his and have all of his books. I gotta say, I don't know how that got published......only because his name was on the manuscript! The movie was just as bad! Look Out!
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    State Of Denial By: Bob Woodword

    What is everyone's opinion on the newly released book, State of Denial, By Bob Woodword?
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    Pet Peeves in reading?

    My major pet peeve for reading a series is that the first -so many books in the series are great, and then the last one is a real let down. That ticks me off because you have put so much time and money into the series up to that point.
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    State Of Denial

    Has anyone laid their hands on the new book about the White House cover-up involving Condaleezza Rice, State of Denial, by Bob Woodworth? If so, how is it?
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    Harper Lee: To Kill A Mockingbird

    I loved this book since I first read it when I was about 10. I have re-read it a few times since then and I always enjoy it just as much. The lessons in life do not change....even though time does.
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    J.R.R. Tolkien: The Lord Of The Rings

    Favourite Lord of the Rings Novel Which novel in The Lord of the Rings series did you like best, and what movie? I liked The Hobbit best as a novel, and The Lord of the Rings III, The Return of the King best.
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    Stephen King

    I am a huge Steven King fan. I started reading his books about 15 years ago. Right now, there are only 2 that I do not have: Cycle of the Werewolf, and The Dark Tower 7. I just picked up Cell, and was wondering what it is like? Any comments?
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    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    I recently bought and read The Da Vinci Code. I know, I know I am really late!!! But it is an incredible book. Much better then the movie.