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  1. HBinjection

    Frank Herbert: Dune

    lies, talk more about the Fremen religious fanaticism. What is your take? Is their religion false? Do you think they are portrayed in a positive light?
  2. HBinjection

    Yasushi Inoue: The Hunting Gun

    nope, Is it a translation or was it written in English?
  3. HBinjection

    Favorite Movies

    2001 Pee-Wee's Big Adventure Conan the Barbarian Lost Highway U2: Rattle and Hum
  4. HBinjection

    Random traffic

    Perhaps because beer is a blue-collar drink and she is mocking the simple, old-fashioned convention of a man bringing home the bacon and his wife keeping house. Although the rest of the song sounds pretty sincere, that 'beer' voice sounds a little snotty to me, and I don't imagine she misses...
  5. HBinjection

    Random traffic

    Serene, what would you serve at your diner? I've been to some new diners that have been built in the last decade or so, and they serve all the classic diner fare, but they also have fancier menu items, too. And they serve drinks. I think all of these diners I visited were independently...
  6. HBinjection

    Random traffic

    Actually Funes, I went to Ursinus College, which is in Collegeville, Pa., near Valley Forge. And I did study Joyce. I love Pennsylvania now more than ever. It's really a beautiful state. It's got a lot to offer. Big cities and vast forests and ancient crumbling mountains. Giant lakes and...
  7. HBinjection

    Best "Macho Movie"?

    No guns, but one of my favorite macho movies: Conan the Barbarian Swords are way more macho than guns, at least the two-handed barbarian variety. Conan has his way with three women. One woman turns into a monster and he throws her into a fire. She explodes. Conan is drunk on the...
  8. HBinjection

    Random traffic

    Funes, I just noticed your a fellow Pennsylvanian! I checked your location when I read your post about stainless steel diners, and the fact that they aren't retro here, they are just diners. My wife and I actually have lived in PA for only 6 months. Before that we spent three years in Mass...
  9. HBinjection

    Frank Herbert: Dune

    Idun, I don't mean to say that I read such literal parallels between Mid-East politics and the novel. For another example, Olaf Stapledon's "The Last Men" would not have meant as much to me if I just took it as a flight of fancy as to what would become of man. As clever a work of fantasy it...
  10. HBinjection

    Random traffic

    Serene, your avatar's tail is too short. That's why it can't steady itself.
  11. HBinjection

    A-Z of Non-Fiction

    Einstein in Love by Dennis Overbye, my current bathtub read
  12. HBinjection

    Frank Herbert: Dune

    Also Idun, since you've read on past the first book, do you recommend me reading more? I've finished Dune, but I've heard its the best of the lot, and I've got a lot of other stuff I'd like to read. I liked Dune, but I don't think it's as good as a lot of people make it out to be. Maybe...
  13. HBinjection

    Frank Herbert: Dune

    Middle East I guess it's mostly the desert setting that brings the Middle East to mind, and the struggle for the spice [read oil]. It's the same way with Lord of the Rings and World War II for me. It's not allegory, but connections can be made, whether the author intended them or not...
  14. HBinjection

    Random traffic

    I like this site a lot, and when I first joined, I was a fairly regular poster. But about a month ago, there were a bunch of obnoxious new posters who were just trying to sell stuff. I got turned off and stopped checking the site as often. But now I see that those posters are gone...
  15. HBinjection

    Currently Reading

    WSB Is Augusten Burroughs the son of William S. Burroughs?
  16. HBinjection

    booklovers,talk to me!Recommend any good books (really, i love everything)

    Lonesome Dove It's one of the greatest American novels ever. I love this book. I didn't think I would like a western, but this book is great. It's a huge epic. There are sequels, but I haven't read them. There is also a made for TV move starring Robert Duvall and Tommy Lee Jones, but I...
  17. HBinjection

    William Gibson

    Serene, I understand what you mean by the exaggerated forced hipness. I think it's because Gibson is such a fan of beat writers, that he tries to emulate their style. Especially Burroughs, Actually, I've come to really enjoy Gibson's prose. His writing is very good at times, although...
  18. HBinjection

    Frank Herbert: Dune

    OUCH!!! All of your replies are quite negative. I think part of the problem is Herbert's prose (which could pose even more of a problem if English isn't your first language). Also, it suffers from the same fate as LOTR and most Ursula K. Leguin stuff. All of the made up names for people...
  19. HBinjection

    Scariest Book Ever?

    Lock your doors! In Cold Blood was probably the scariest book I've read. It's NF, actually, you could call it journalism, I suppose. It details the events surrounding the grisly murder of an entire family in their own home. Most of the novel depicts the life of the family long before...
  20. HBinjection

    James Joyce: Ulysses

    again, ineldorado Have you read The Fountainhead? Judging from your statement about public tastes I think you'd enjoy a segment from The Fountainhead about a fictitious novel, "The Gallant Gallstone." It's an impenetrable work of jibberish with a socialist theme, so a group of elite...