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Search results

  1. HBinjection

    James Joyce: Ulysses

    ineldorado Are you sure you're not confusing Ulysses with Finnegan's Wake? Now that's a book you should throw in the trash! I imagine Ulysses is probably easier to understand for Irish readers. Are there any Dubliners here who would like to comment?
  2. HBinjection

    Book Ideas

    That's a very nice idea. It sounds pretty epic though. How long do you expect this story to be? I'm not one for all the fantasy, so if it were my story, I'd leave out the time travelling villain and I'd change Prophet's name to something more common. I'd make Venice the time traveller...
  3. HBinjection

    incest novels

    Can't remember if they were blood related Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates by Tom Robbins may deal with incest. The main character is enamored with his half-sister or cousin or something. Maybe she's a stepsister. Either way, it's taboo. She's very young and he is middle aged...
  4. HBinjection

    Are you following the war in Iraq?

    I work for a newspaper. I watch the news 8 hours a day, and then listen to the news on the radio when my wife and I are home at night, (she likes to be updated) As far as my opinion.... I had reservations at first, but the U.S. and Britain took it nice and slow and I think the results...
  5. HBinjection

    Hi :-)

  6. HBinjection

    Hey from Atlanta

  7. HBinjection

    Chuck Palahniuk

    Survivor Haven't read it yet, but I'll post when I do.
  8. HBinjection

    Chuck Palahniuk

    Actually, I've visited that site before. Lots of good content. There aren't that many threads here yet, so I like it when old ones are brought back from the dead. It seems to me the administrators like to keep a tidy house. That can be a turnoff for some, but your threads never get...
  9. HBinjection

    Herman Hesse

    What's "The Glass Bead Game" about?
  10. HBinjection


    I imagine you like Japanese and Chinese fiction?
  11. HBinjection


    I saw the original Solaris recently. Very interesting, but very slow in the beginning. The remake is shorter and focuses on different themes, from what I've heard. I'd recommend seeing it. It's gone from theaters here, I'm waiting for the DVD.
  12. HBinjection


  13. HBinjection


    Howdy! Paranormal romance? Do you mean like the movie "Ghost?" Welcome, ET
  14. HBinjection

    Slipstream Literature

    I think the essay is only half-serious. It's fun to play with literary criticism the same way it's fun to play with popular psychology. There is some truth behind each discipline, but you really have to stretch that truth to make the kind of bold generalizations that will get you published...
  15. HBinjection

    Slipstream Literature

    Maybe 100 Years of Solitude was missing from the list because he hasn't read it. Also, I don't think Faulkner belongs on the list because his characters and themes are so tied to the time period of their setting. (Although I have only read The Hamlet and As I Lay Dying). I think Sterling...
  16. HBinjection

    Slipstream Literature

    http://www.eff.org/Publications/Bruce_Sterling/Catscan_columns/catscan.05 Thought this might be of some interest to some people here. It's about mainstream fiction that incorporates fantastic elements. Beloved by Toni Morrison Another Roadside Attraction by Tom Robbins There is...
  17. HBinjection

    Stephen King

    I liked Christine and It. He don't write pretty, but he's a master storyteller. Skeleton Crew, a book of short stories, was a fun read. It is a really big book. It's big on ideas and it's nice and long. You can really chew on it for a while. And both novels are about young people. King...
  18. HBinjection

    William Gibson

    Gibson wrote a book with a guy named Bruce Sterling called The Difference Engine. I haven't read it, but I visit Sterling's site from time to time. He writes a lot of essays for different magazines and the site re-publishes them for fans. He wrote a great essay on Slipstream literature...
  19. HBinjection

    A - Z Game: Favourite books

    S - Sirius by Olaf Stapeldon I picked this up at a flea market for $2. I had never heard of Olaf Stapeldon, but I love old books and decided to try it. It was a great story. It's about a dog made super-intelligent by his scientist master. He develops a strong friendship with the master's...
  20. HBinjection

    A - Z Game: Favourite books

    Oops! I missed page 2. Q is a tough one. I give up.