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  1. HBinjection

    William Gibson

    I almost picked up a Neal Stephenson book the other day, I'll give him a try funes. Idoru was my favorite Gibson book so far, Dawn. Neuromancer is a lot richer, but the characters aren't as fun or interesting and it can be a choppy read. I don't know if that is because of stylistic choice or...
  2. HBinjection

    William Gibson

    I'm hooked. He's great. Has anyone else read William Gibson? He just released a new book last week called Pattern Recognition. I haven't picked up my copy yet. I've read Neuromancer, Idoru and All Tomorrow's Parties, all great. I'd recommend Idoru or Neuromancer for a good first...
  3. HBinjection

    A - Z Game: Favourite books

    Double Whammy! Let's speed things up. M- Martian Time Slip by P. K. Dick Great sci-fi book about a lot of things, like time and civiliation and greed, and mental illness and autism. N-Neuromancer by William Gibson Book about artificial intelligence and technology and sex and drugs...
  4. HBinjection

    Best "Macho Movie"?

    * Things will be blown up. * Guns will be fired and meaningless characters will be killed. * The main character won't say much but he will say some catchy things. * There will be hand-to-hand combat to prove who is really the toughest. * Someone will have a very cool vehicle...
  5. HBinjection

    I need a good book to read BADLY

    Read a William Gibson book. Try Idoru. That's my favorite so far. I'm addicted. He's sci-fi set in the very near future. The Matrix was inspired by his book, Neuromancer. He has a new book now called Pattern Recognition. I haven't read it yet. Lot's of fun but smart, too...
  6. HBinjection


    Countdown to Ecstasy Steely Dan Listening to Aja right now. My favorite band. They will release a new album this year. If you think they're cheesy, give them another listen. Very subversive, clever and fun.
  7. HBinjection


    I'm sorry, I just left out some of my favorites. I like Call from Lonesome Dove and The Brave Cowboy from The Brave Cowboy by Edward Abbey. I can't remember his name though. Neat book. Kind of like the movie First Blood in theme. I read it during my Western phase.
  8. HBinjection


    Most of the characters Clint Eastwood plays, especially Dirty Harry and the man with no name. It's hard to pick a favorite. Most heroes in modern fiction aren't that heroic or interesting. I remember identifying with the Can 'o beans from Skinny Legs and All by Tom Robbins, but there was...
  9. HBinjection

    My Introduction

    ? Howdy, What's the Outlander series?
  10. HBinjection


    Is "Iain" pronounced the same way as "Ian"? I don't want to sound poorly read if I ask for one of his books.
  11. HBinjection

    A - Z Game: Favourite books

    Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Thomas Wolfe Fun book about Wolfe's time with Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters. Wolfe is a great writer and this book is similar in tone to On the Road. I read it first in college, actually, in a class about the Beatles. My favorite 4 credits of my scholastic...
  12. HBinjection


    Howdy Pilgrim, I've been reading a lot of William Gibson lately and he seems to be a fan of Iain Banks. In fact, a lot of my favorite authors are either fans of his or are somehow linked to him (linked at least by a common readership). What is his stuff like? What are his themes? Any...
  13. HBinjection

    A - Z Game: Favourite books

    C - Consilience by Edward O. Wilson Edward O. Wilson, a biologist, urges scientists in other fields to acknowledge the role of biology in all areas of human understanding. It's something everyone should read.
  14. HBinjection

    Currently Reading

    Just finished reading "White Noise" by Don Dellilo and am about halfway through All Tomorrow's Parties by William Gibson. It's a sequel to Idoru. White Noise was funny and worth reading, kind of like Tom Robbins but less corny and less preachy. Unfortunately, also less satisfying. I'm...
  15. HBinjection

    NHL All Star Game

    I didn't see it, but I saw the highlights. The newspaper I work for printed an erroneous headline that claimed the USA won. I caught it but it was too late and the paper had already gone to press. We did change the online version though.
  16. HBinjection

    James Joyce: Ulysses

    I read Ulysses, but it was part of a semester long class, my bachelors keystone actually, so I had a proffesor as a guide and a chapter by chapter plot syopsis (heavily abbreviated, but enough to free you to examine some of the details) called The Bloomsday Book by Harold Bloom. Yes, it is...
  17. HBinjection

    Favorite Comic Book Character

    TMNT the ninja turtles characters had several different incarnations, The movies were the least sophisticated followed by the tv cartoon. The comics themselves vary in quality. The issue I mentioned was very simple pen and ink. Also, Bone is a great comic. It's a simple, funny adventure...
  18. HBinjection

    Favorite Comic Book Character

    Morry, Haven't you read any Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle comics? My favorite was an issue about a little girl who was born hideously deformed (because her father worked in a lab where he helped design an experimental intelligence formula) She became aware in utero, ran off as soon as she...
  19. HBinjection

    New to the site

    Howdy! Yes, I read the Hobbit. I believe it was the book of the month here a few months ago.
  20. HBinjection

    books for someone who likes the lord of the flies

    Sorry for the long delay Flowers for Algernon is a novel, but I believe it started as a short story published in a magazine. I have heard there was a TV movie, too.