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This is the friendliest place I know of on the web. Almost every poster here seems considerate and kind. I post to a few other forums where the action is fast and furious, and they are fun. But this is a welcoming spot for me, like sitting in a nice leather chair beside the fire in the...
My wife is a school teacher, and she establishes her classroom as the "home court." Reason being that no one gets booed on their home court.
The kids love it. Whenever someone bullies another, she reminds them, "Homecourt!"
Now the students police themselves.
I just watched the A&E presentation of 'Lathe of Heaven.' It was good, but not as good as the BBC version I saw long before.
There were some things missing that I thought were kind of important. Also, the ending was not as resonant in this new one. It did not inspire.
I am going to pick...
I've read and recommend all of the books on your to read list but the following which I haven't read:
Our Man in Havana - Graham Greene
The Maltese Falcon - Dashiell Hammett
Money - Martin Amis
Breakfast at Tiffany's - Truman Capote
Maybe you should buy In Cold Blood by Truman...
I've only read 'Fight Club.' My little brother lent it to me. I loved it. Worth reading whether or not you liked the film.
I am an avid reader and I'm always trying to get my younger siblings to read more (Two are in college, one is in high school).
My brothers are just devouring this...
I liked Ender's Game quite a bit and I also read the next in the series Speaker for the Dead.
Speaker for the Dead is a much bigger novel than EG. It has some really great sci-fi ideas that have stuck with me. I think about this book often.
Everybody, keep up the good work...
Sorry the last post was so long. I am posting this post on Ballard seperately to give your eyes a break.
J.G. Ballard wrote some great SF stories. I recommend the collection of his short stories.
His novels are not as Sci-Fi as Dicks, but he describes himself as a science fiction...
Howdy, Proloxic!
I'm reading The Complete Robot right now. It's a collection of Asimov's short stories on robot themes. It's very good.
You might be more familiar with Dick and Ballard than you think.
Philip Dick was an American SF writer circa. His stuff was
published from the...
Science Fiction is important!
I used to think that science fiction was not 'serious literature' and therefore not worth my time. I felt the same way with most popular fiction, mysteries, fantasy....boy, I was really limiting myself.
Now I can hardly read anything other than science fiction...
You can't wade through Ulysses, you must trudge. I was fortunate to have a professor as a guide. I took a Ulysses class as my bachelor's capstone. We read Portrait of the Artist, Ulysses, The Dead and a bunch of criticism in one semester. I was bored at points, but now that I've read it and...
Wasted Time
I can't think of anything that compares with Finnegan's Wake for difficulty. I haven't even really tried to read it.
I don't know much about Gravity's Rainbow ro Infinite Jest, but I am going to research the issue soon.
I have read Ulysses. I admit, it was a struggle, but it...
I've read Fierce Invalids. It was a lot of fun. Have you read other Tom Robbins novels? My favorite is Skinny Legs and All. I consider it his best although I haven't yet read three of his novels.
What are those other novels like? Are they very recent?
In 'Religion Explained' religion was explained away by claiming that mental systems 'designed' for identifying 'agents' (things that conciously do things like predators, prey, other people) sometimes apply themselves to artifacts or other non-agents including situations. The author provides the...
Sounds like I should check out "Demon Haunted-World." I've been thinking about reading some of his stuff for some time. It sounds like it's about the origin of religion? I've just finished a so-so book on the topic called "Religion Explained." I would avoid it and read instead 'The Moral...
I studied literature and composition in college and so feel a sharp lack of scientific knowledge, especially since most of my friends are scientists. I now read a lot of science books that are more or less written for the lay person. A few of my favorites are:
Concilience -E.O. Wilson...