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Search results

  1. HBinjection

    Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

    Arwen It's been about a year since I last read FOTR. LOTR is one of my favorite sagas. I don't remember so clearly, but could the love story have been mentioned in a song? Maybe Aragorn told a love story about a man and an elf to his hobbit companions. (Somewhere near Weathertop?) And...
  2. HBinjection

    Herman Hesse

    Are there any books that anyone else identifies strongly with? I tend to identify with characters in fiction frequently. I see how their lives symbolically resemble my own. I suppose you're right about the bildungsroman, (haven't used that word since lit crit class:) ), it really lends...
  3. HBinjection

    Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maybe the most significant improvement of the film over the book is its treatment of Aragorn. From an under-developed, vaguely stereotypical character, the screenwriters (and Viggo Mortensen) extrapolated...
  4. HBinjection

    Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

    Special Features How does everyone feel about special effects documentaries on DVD's. For some movies they can be fun, but for the most part I get annoyed when the special features are dominated by discussions of the techincal aspects of filmmaking, especially the commentary. I prefer...
  5. HBinjection

    Herman Hesse

    Try Siddhartha first. It's different from the rest but the hero is a little more heroic and likeable. The other two might seem a little dark. Steppenwolf was my first and I loved it. It's about an old man. Demian is about a young man. Siddhartha is about a young man who grows old.
  6. HBinjection

    Herman Hesse

    Stumped That's a good question, Dawn. I'll try to answer. Siddhartha is written in epic style. Very lyrical. There are versions on tape. It's great to listen to it read aloud. For the other two I suppose, 'magical realism?' Hesse was a Christian missionarie's son, I think (don't...
  7. HBinjection

    Herman Hesse

    Of those two Siddartha is my favorite as well. Didn't care for the last bit of Demian. I'm not sure which was written first. I lent out my copies of each so I can't check the copywrite date right now. I'll check online. I wonder if other people who have read these books found them as...
  8. HBinjection

    How quicly do you forget a book you've read?

    great stories I suppose it depends on what your reasons for reading are. If you want some excitement or relaxation, maybe an escape from the everyday, you might pick up plot-heavy action or mystery books. The stories are engrossing while you read, but they fade from memory. I usually...
  9. HBinjection

    The Chronicles Of Narnia

    great children's book for adults I read "The Phantom Tollbooth" in college. It's a wonderful read. It is as memorable as any book I have read.
  10. HBinjection

    What are you reading now (end of september)?

    "Flowers for Algernon" recommended This novel is usually on American High School Reading lists, so I avoided it thinking it was written for adolescents, but I was wrong. Great short read. "Religion Explained" not recommended non-fiction about evolutionary psychology and the...
  11. HBinjection

    J.R.R. Tolkien: The Lord Of The Rings

    I've read recently that the author wanted to publish LOTR as a single volume, but the publisher split it into three for commercial reasons.
  12. HBinjection

    Herman Hesse

    How about Herman Hesse. I've read three of his novels, "Steppenwolf", "Demian", and "Siddhartha" (sp?). I enjoyed each of them. I read them all in English translation. Has anyone read them in German?
  13. HBinjection

    Philip K. Dick

    I think "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" is a good introduction. "Ubik" and "The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch" are some of my other favorites. Right now, Dick is my favorite author, but I've read most of what is considered his strong work. The last few novels were stinkers, really...
  14. HBinjection

    Reading more than one book at the same time

    I usually read one non-fiction book while I'm reading a novel. Sometimes ideas in the novels inspire my non-fiction choices, and vice versa.
  15. HBinjection

    Howdy folks!

    Nice to be here. I've been reading a lot of science fiction lately. Short stories by Dick, Aldiss, Ballard, novels by the same. Also Gibson. Right now reading Flowers for Algernon. Almost finished. Some favorites: Lonesome Dove Ubik Woman in the Dunes Glamorama