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  1. Delta_doh!

    Gerard Woodward: I'll Go To Bed At Noon

    Thanks Mike... I was thinking about buying this....defy will now. :)
  2. Delta_doh!

    Old Christmas Threads (gifts, well wishes, etc)

    :rolleyes: Soon be Over :D
  3. Delta_doh!

    What is the darkest most disturbing book?

    'the treatment' by Mo Hayder :eek:
  4. Delta_doh!

    Hi Everybody! My first post to the forum woo hoo! :)

    Hello n welcome...Have fun! :)
  5. Delta_doh!

    One more before you die.

    DOH! Now see what you done... SILLYWABBIT! :rolleyes: Have since posting above, dug out and am now reading. Falling Angels by Tracy Chevalier besides what I was already reading Grunt! FEEL OK THOUGH! :eek:
  6. Delta_doh!

    I just finished reading...

    Blindness..... Jose Saramago I have just finished reading this book, and thought it was fantastic. And now want to read some more Saramago. Its Defy one to Read ............................ Currently reading: 2.. Falling Angels by Tracy Chevalier (who wrote 'Girl with a Pearl...
  7. Delta_doh!

    One more before you die.

    Last Book.... :eek: Falling Angels by Tracy Chevalier Currently Reading: The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger
  8. Delta_doh!

    Post a Picture!

  9. Delta_doh!

    Post a Picture!

    My little treasure..well he looks better than me...esp in shorts! :eek:
  10. Delta_doh!

    Booth Tarkington: Penrod

    :mad: Gutted.... sniff x
  11. Delta_doh!

    Post a Picture!

  12. Delta_doh!

    Suggestions for a melancholic

    Why not Read something on the lighter side perhaps even funny ? sure it would be better for you in the long run :)
  13. Delta_doh!

    The stand

    :cool: Read it and see :p just trying to help! ok I will go away :o ps. I quite liked it x
  14. Delta_doh!

    School Children

    :rolleyes: Children of the Lamp...er well my 9 year old is loving it.... :confused: perhaps to young.. Dunno! :(
  15. Delta_doh!

    Old Christmas Threads (gifts, well wishes, etc)

    I don't know about those... But 'Blindness' by Jose Samamago is a great read. See link http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/1860466850/qid=1101545856/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_2_1/026-6576493-8178051
  16. Delta_doh!

    Image Hosting

    :D Opps HE WAS FIRST TO... Must take more coffee with it! Sorry wabbit ;)
  17. Delta_doh!

    Books for crimbo?

    Thanks gallagher...feel un-mean now
  18. Delta_doh!

    Books for crimbo?

    Defy Books for crimbo Yes I'm buying my friends books, as three wanted to borrow my 'Blindness' by Jose Saramgo....won't part with it, its staying on my book shelf. I hate to part with books I love, (Am I mean?) also its saved the what to get them for Christmas :) tis that and a box of...
  19. Delta_doh!

    Image Hosting

    :) I VOTE FOR SILLY WABBIT... she was first.... "To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer."
  20. Delta_doh!

    Image Hosting

    Going off to play somewhere else now :) who said good? :eek: