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  1. KristoCat

    Memorable Movie Quote Game

    Gem: Good. I wouldn't want unclaimed points just floating around. They would get in everyone's hair :p What's the next quote?
  2. KristoCat

    Are you picky about the condition of your books?

    I'm not fussy about the condition of my paperbacks, but if my husband or I have just spent a lot of money on a brand new hardback right after it comes out, I take off the cover and set it aside while I read it, in order to protect it and make sure it looks nice on the shelf. But paperbacks...
  3. KristoCat

    The Big Four-O

    Happy birthday, Aqua :)
  4. KristoCat

    Any Suggestions?

    Anything by Janet Evanovich will definitely fit the bill. If you haven't read any Stephanie Plum books yet, you are missing out on the ultimate in "light and funny" summer-type reading. Jennifer Crusie is pretty good for this too, but the romance element is pretty strong in her books...
  5. KristoCat

    Memorable Movie Quote Game

    A point for you, never_know :) what's your quote? And Gem, come back! You got the point! Come back and get your point! :p
  6. KristoCat

    Vocabulary Test

    RESULT: Score: 115 of 120 Estimated vocabulary size: 14215 Not bad, I guess. I second-guessed myself on two of them, and that was my downfall :p Edit: Oh, whoops, I took the intermediate test instead of advanced. Oh well.
  7. KristoCat

    Memorable Movie Quote Game

    Gem: Right movie, so you get the point, but I believe it was Einhorn saying it to Ace... she was talking about the dolphin and called it a porpoise, which pissed him right off:p The Princess Bride? Inigo talking to Wesley after he comes back alive? Right, if I'm correct here's another one...
  8. KristoCat

    Memorable Movie Quote Game

    Ok, how about Anne of Green Gables? :D
  9. KristoCat

    Party On The Forum

    How about this, muggle?:D Or maybe you're more in the mood for this, or this. By the way, I'm not actually cooking any of this. I'm too comforatable to get up :p
  10. KristoCat

    Memorable Movie Quote Game

    Grumpy Old Men! Heehee. Here's a harder one: "We'll find the porpoise." P.S. It was actually the scene in A Christmas Story when Flick was being dared to lick the telephone pole in the middle of winter. :D
  11. KristoCat

    Memorable Movie Quote Game

    Ok, I'll bite: Anchorman: the legend of Rod Burgandy (sp?) "I TRIPLE dog dare ya!"
  12. KristoCat

    Happy Birthday Idril Silmaure!

    Happy birthday :)
  13. KristoCat

    List of Authors

    Wow Shade, I really admire your efforts to find a Margaret Atwood novel you liked:) If I had the same sort of experiences I would have given up long before. I read and liked The Penelopiad, The Handmaid's Tale, and The Blind Assassin. Heller ended up at the bottom for me because I read the...
  14. KristoCat

    Party On The Forum

    :D :D :D You can always count on cookies to make a party better.:p
  15. KristoCat

    Party On The Forum

    Oh no, Gem stepped on all the food, and everyone is starting to look undernourished from too much alcohol and lack of sugar. I know... *KristoCat whips out some COOKIES*
  16. KristoCat

    Reporting from Lebanon

    Thank you, Samerron. I am very glad that you keep coming back here and posting. I always read your posts with avid interest and relief, and it's good to know that you, and hopefully your family as well, are still ok.
  17. KristoCat

    Could you recommend a poetry book?

    One poet I would really like to recommend is Billy Collins. Try The Apple that Astonished Paris. Amazon says, "Imagine Smokey the Bear walking through the forest carrying a red gasoline can and a box of kitchen matches, or Frankenstein absent-mindedly tapping the bolts on his neck as he...
  18. KristoCat

    List of Authors

    Out of those I've read: George Orwell William Golding Harper Lee Margaret Atwood Ray Bradbury Aldous Huxley John Steinbeck Joseph Heller This was hard! Why is Margaret Atwood getting such a bad rap? I think she's very worthwhile. Some I would add include Don DeLillo, Salman...
  19. KristoCat

    Christopher Paolini

    I read Eragon and liked it. Yes, it does follow classic fantasy conventions quite closely but I found the characters likable and the plot engaging. My husband immediately became absorbed in Eragon right after I finished and is now immersed in Eldest :)
  20. KristoCat

    Happy Birthday Tartan Skirt and Nomadic Myth!

    Happy birthday, you two :)