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  1. Hugh

    Author's gender and reading

    Ny favorite novels are suspense/thriller types, and most of them seem to be male writers. However, the book I'm reading now, Kiling Gift, is written by a woman, Leslie Glass. The protaganist is also a female, detective April Woo. Last year I read A Good Woman by Danielle Steel and it had me...
  2. Hugh

    JK Rowling being sued for plagiarism

    mylord reminds me of the guy who always sees their bright idea for a new invention/product/service stolen from them on a store shelf or late night infomercial. BTW, have you guys ever heard of "Edible Arrangements"? They arrange cute little platters of different colored fruit into custom...
  3. Hugh

    How do you decide your next book?

    I browse the suspense/thriller section of my local used book store every one - two weeks. I look for bestsellers, either the book or the author, because I don't have much patience for bad potboilers. It doesn't always work out, I'm reading the book of a bestselling author and it is reading just...
  4. Hugh

    Feedback Please...Thanks!

    In Jessie's description, you can break up the "tall dark and quite handsome" and the "pushover" attributes into two different sections of the story. Perhaps when you first intro him into the story you can give his physical description. As far as his attribute of being a pushover, perhaps it...
  5. Hugh

    Feedback Please...Thanks!

    So anyway, to start with the spelling/grammatical errors: quiet should be quite summit should be submit acquaints should be acquaintance exhibition should be exhibit omit the comma in the last sentence after 'she' As in most of your writing, you seem to be using to few paragraphs to...
  6. Hugh

    Feedback Please...Thanks!

    Hi Carlos. first of all, would you like spelling errors pointed out too? I'm going to re-read it later and let it sink in for a while before I weigh in with comments. BTW, get rid of the white rimmed sunglasses. You looked better in your flip-ups. BBL.....
  7. Hugh

    Book Related Careers

    Tell me how you decided what got through and what didn't. Did the editor ever come back to you and hit you over the head with what he thought was pure crap? Did you ever find anything that made it to the best seller list? I'm writing a space opera and will be submitting it to lit agents soon...
  8. Hugh

    JK Rowling being sued for plagiarism

    mylord, go write your own book and quit your whining, (and lying - you are obviously full of crap). Write your own story, if you are worth a damb, if you really have the creativity you portend to have, then the world will embrace you. Trying to claim someone elses story, and success, as your own...
  9. Hugh

    What do you hate most about writing?

    Often what I write just plain sucks, and that's what I hate the most. For days now I've been trying to write a paragraph that would sum up the chilhood relationship that two crewmembers of a space vessel while growing up. I tried telling it by having one quip and inside joke that they had been...
  10. Hugh

    The 2010 Nobel Prize For Literature

    Wow, I missed that. You really did pick it. So you don't like green eyed monsters either?
  11. Hugh

    Brainstorm #13

    Yes, it's very disjointed. I was expecting you to tell me what it was that was being showcased at city hall in the banner. I'm still not sure what it is that's being showcased - it it the duel itself? I assume that the issue that Handers was thinking about was discussed in a previous...
  12. Hugh

    The 2010 Nobel Prize For Literature

    What a ripoff! My green eyed monster was exploded by a new super laser powered by waste oil from the BP oil spill proving that offshore drilling benefits the world. Them Swedes just don't get us Mericans at all.....
  13. Hugh

    The 2010 Nobel Prize For Literature

    After reading that I've concluded that I could really win one someday for my as of yet unpublished science fiction novel. For giving new dimension to the art of blowed up and green eyed monsters, this year's Nobel goes to Hugh. I promise I won't step on any toes as I climb the ladder of...
  14. Hugh

    Do you have a newspaper subscription?

    Welp, I guess I should change my vote to no. I moved to a new address a little over a year ago and the delivery service is horrid. I either didn't get my paper at all, or it was somewhere out in front of the complex, or worst of all, at my neighbor's. After a half dozen complaints I had to call...
  15. Hugh

    Recently Finished

    I made it 45 pages into the mass market paperback version of TGWTDT and gave up on it. A neighbor gave it to me raving about how good it was, but it didn't grab me at all. I find that often happens when I read a book that has been translated into English.
  16. Hugh

    Barnes and Noble for sale?

    Anyway, the fight is pretty much over now, the shareholders voted today. The current chairman maintains control.
  17. Hugh

    JK Rowling being sued for plagiarism

    It seems that nearly all authors that keep themselves on the bestseller list are attacked by ankle biters. If you're one of those writers who constantly rages at a world that just doesn't get you, you're going to try to earn your money in the court room via a settlement check. I sincerely hope...
  18. Hugh

    Steven King's agent dies

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100928/ap_en_ot/us_obit_vicinanza PrintBack to story . Stephen King's agent Ralph Vicinanza dies at 60 By HILLEL ITALIE, AP National Writer Hillel Italie, Ap National Writer 4 mins ago .NEW YORK – Ralph Vicinanza, a literary agent whose clients included...
  19. Hugh

    great spy novel but I think fraud

    Try not to get too caught up in the details of a thriller. In "Pursuit of Honor" the protaganist is faced with a situation where he needs to get into a nightclub that is guarded by huge, muscular bouncers. He takes them down with a kick to the knee and strolls right in. It's the same thing you...
  20. Hugh

    Barnes and Noble for sale?

    The fight for control of Barnes and Noble http://finance.yahoo.com/news/The-Stakes-in-the-Barnes-nytimes-2095122109.html?x=0&sec=topStories&pos=6&asset=&ccode= MICHAEL J. DE LA MERCED, On Monday September 20, 2010, 2:41 am EDT By MICHAEL J. de la MERCED Leonard S. Riggio, the pugnacious...