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Search results

  1. cajunmama

    New Neal Stephenson May 19, 2015!

    So, how was it? It is on my TBR list.
  2. cajunmama


  3. cajunmama

    Academic books and texts that you're reading

    Electrical Engineering Principles and Applications by Hambly It is a required course for my degree.
  4. cajunmama

    H. P. Lovecraft:The Rats in the Walls

    Lovecraft is one of the best. Very, very creepy story....I loved it!!
  5. cajunmama


    :flowers: You rock, abc. I had poked around a little there, but not deep enough, I guess. I did finally come across some good stuff. And TM, a friend just told be about a filesharing site he uses...
  6. cajunmama


    I've been looking into that, too. I don't think our system is quite as "together " as yours, this is Louisiana, after all :rolleyes:. But, my local librarians are quite helpful and could probably get me whatever I want, given enough time, and the public library near the uni has many more...
  7. cajunmama


    I got an mp3 player for Christmas, so between that and the car's CD player, should be set. The only issue is finding affordable (free) audiobooks. My local rural library doesn't have much of a selection, so I may have to get a reciprocal borrower card from the public library near the...
  8. cajunmama


    Missed you, too. But don't get used to it, classes start again Wednesday!
  9. cajunmama


    Thank you for the timely thread!! My solo commute is 45 minutes to an hour each way, and I've been looking for something to pass the time. I decided to try audiobooks. I don't know if I'll like it, but I'm willing to give it a shot. I've heard that the reader makes all the difference...
  10. cajunmama

    best book to movie adaptation

    I think most of us don't mind a director's own spin, creative license, whatever you want to call it. What I dislike is when a movie is purported to be based on a book, yet the movie only has a few things in common with the book, like with I am Legend where the only things linking the movie and...
  11. cajunmama

    Sue Grafton

    I have read every one up to her latest, U. I'm on the waiting list at the library.
  12. cajunmama

    Recommend me some good alien books

    Solaris by Stanislaw Lem Definitely anything by Lovecraft
  13. cajunmama


    It may not have much in common with the written story, but still, as a Lovecraft fan, I'd love to see it.
  14. cajunmama

    Which book set you off on a life of crime (reading)?

    Encyclopedia Brown in, oh, about the third grade (some 25 yrs ago...)
  15. cajunmama

    What do you do?

    In addition to being mom to four and wife to one, I am a full-time university student working on a B.S. in civil engineering.
  16. cajunmama

    Which Was the Last Book You Read in One Sitting?

    In one day, several, though rarely. I have four kids at home so quiet reading time comes in fits and spurts and quite often late at night. In one sitting, the last time was fifteen years ago. It was the Pelican Brief by John Grisham and I read it sitting in my next dorm neighbor's room my...
  17. cajunmama

    The Seven Types of Bookstore Customers

    I'm an Independent with Browser/Grazer/Seeker tendencies. I am not a camper, but, without any help, I can spend hours browsing and grazing, if I don't have one particular book on my agenda.
  18. cajunmama

    What is your favorite non-fiction genre?

    I like biographies, nature and science, with a good smattering of real, extreme, adventures thrown in there. I have no one favorite, I am way too eclectic of a reader to have just one.
  19. cajunmama

    What are your children reading?

    My girls are reading The Dear Dumb Diary series and my oldest boy is reading Lionboy by Zizou Corder. My youngest likes to be read his African Wild Dogs (non-fiction) book we borrowed from the library.
  20. cajunmama

    Tell me what you read and I'll tell you who you are

    To see who I am by my books, you'd first have to weed out all of my hubby's religious books. The you'd see that I have a wide variety of interests. And my small collection of books doesn't really do me justice since I use libraries most of the time and so don't have a lot of what I've read...