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Search results

  1. MagnaMater

    Douglas Adams: The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

    A plaster to patch up the gap that has been torn? There's noone like Douglas Adams, but if you liked his weird humor, you might find Jasper Fford entertaining, or Terry Pratchett, who's always worth his money... - ah, and I forgot Neil Gaiman...
  2. MagnaMater

    The today I'm irritated by __________ thread

    I'm still Irritated because of the Religion-Test I did... http://www.selectsmart.com/RELIGION/ I read my results and have a doubt, the religion I belong to, and never heard of ever before is a 'religion' *frown*
  3. MagnaMater

    Joe Abercrombie and The First Law trilogy

    It was pretty predictable: I fell in love with Glokta almost at once, with Nine-Fingers the Dogman and Ferro, too. I stoopidly flew over the books in one night, because I was eager about the outcome and decided I couldn't sleep if I didn't know, how it turned out. Then I was still sleepless...
  4. MagnaMater

    Neil Gaiman:The Graveyard Book

    What did I say? Abercrombie didn't make it in my hand this morning: Picking over my bookshelf I started reading The Graveyard Book this morning, and couldn't stop until I finished it fifteen minutes ago... I'ts amazing, I just love it...:)
  5. MagnaMater

    Terry Pratchett: The Truth

    Paul Kidby most likely... watch out for his homepage... http://www.paulkidby.net/Site.html
  6. MagnaMater

    another owl from büchereule.de

    Well, then it's all right...:lol:
  7. MagnaMater

    another owl from büchereule.de

    Glyphs are great, I like them, too, unluckily you don't always find them. Talking about Mosaics. I've been to Torcello this summer - I think the Day of Judgement there is one of the greatest byzantine Mosaics. Mind, I don't talk about the... - was it called Nile-mosaic? - at Preneste, but...
  8. MagnaMater

    another owl from büchereule.de

    @ Sleepy: Sleepy is an ex-owl? Fugitive? Was somebody in the nest getting on your nerves? I hope it wasn't me :innocent: - if it was, forgive me!:flowers: @ Occlith: It weren't the Incas, nor the Olmecs, though their name was rather short, perhaps Kuelap :confused:. It was a culture...
  9. MagnaMater

    Why does contemporary poetry suck?

    Hm, when I think about contemporary poetry, I think of lyrics of songs, mainly metal and there are really good ones, though you have most likely to read the booklet, because you don't understand them when sung/growled/screamed:whistling: *humming Cradle of Filth's 'Her Ghost in the Fog'*
  10. MagnaMater

    Need some series recommendations..or fantastic standalones!

    What about Simon Beckett's David Hunter? It has haunting forensic descriptions, though the hero and his train of thought did not always agree with mine, it was a good read, and I'll certainly read the third book, too
  11. MagnaMater

    Donna Leon: Death at La Fenice

    Yes, this was my first Brunetti, too. I kept to the Brunetti-serias because of Brunetti and his nice family. He is an integer character in a corrupted surrounding. One makes no mistake in reading it...
  12. MagnaMater

    1984, A Canticle for Leibowitz

    That old SF? If you want to read old SF what about Norman Spinrad's The Men in the Jungle? I loved it, I thought it was hountingly ugly... and wonderfully disgusting... and so sadly true... - and best of all: I learned some months ago it's on the Index for 'Jugendgefährdende Schriften' in...
  13. MagnaMater

    Fantasy book with wizards and warriors and stuff?

    Have the polish Witcher-Chronicles by Andrzej Sapkowski's already been translated into english? It has been turned into the PC-Game, it's a bit like Drizzt do Urden by its humor; the typical dark-fantasy feel: dirty, muddy and cold, corrupt politicians, arrogant knights, unpaying poor...
  14. MagnaMater

    another owl from büchereule.de

    Mayas and Aztecs are rather colourful, I like that, though I like my artwork less quadrangular and big... does this word exist? eckig und klotzig... Perhaps you can help me: What was the name of the south american culture that built their fortresses with small stones, that almost look like...
  15. MagnaMater

    another owl from büchereule.de

    :D your favourite culture/age? mine is bronze age, though I like the neolitics and the celtic and viking artwork, the tuscans and the elder iron-age, too my favourite pottery is the late neolithic from northern italy because their lugs and aunjetice... hm is that written like that in english...
  16. MagnaMater

    another owl from büchereule.de

    we wondered if there was any english book-forum like our german one, and so some of us landed here... for all the owls MagMa is still the same, for all the others it needs an explanation: born to a well situated family, educated as archeologist, but mainly unemployed and from her tenants...
  17. MagnaMater

    Ken Follett: World Without End

    I wanted to reread the pillars ere I started with it, but Pillars won... and got me stuck somewhere in the middle... so the rest of pillars and WWE is on the theoretical reading plan for 2009, hope I make it this year, but my reading future is a dark labyrinth built out of pillars of books and...
  18. MagnaMater

    Douglas Adams: The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

    I liked the hitchhiker's very much, but Dirk Gently even more. He seemed to own a fridge similar to mine... I was impressed, when a god came out... I'm still waiting for mine to give birth to a lifeform aside mould...
  19. MagnaMater

    Neil Gaiman:The Graveyard Book

    I bought it, too... when Abercrombie's done, it will be next... *smile*
  20. MagnaMater

    Lord Of The Rings dilemma

    read it again! It's my favourite part - I didn't like the second part that much, only the third one got more interesting again... I must have read parts of the trilogy several hundred times, for it was on my bedside-table for about ten years, and the last thing I ended the day with, was some...