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  1. tundra

    Question Game

    wow. That's a lot of laundry. And I thought 4 loads was a lot. I remember that was one of my saturday jobs as a child..to fold laundry. There was so much. I hated it. I am one of four kids too. But multiplying that by three..tis no wonder you didn't wait longer, I retract my amazement.
  2. tundra

    Question Game

    I apologize. I must interrupt. Only three weeks? I am amazed. I have gone 6 weeks before..owing to having had a very large supply of underthings and going through both my summer and winter wardrobes. I have now said my two bits. You may carry on.
  3. tundra

    Randomness! Yay!

    I am sure it does. But I too am exponentially more happy than I was two weeks ago, since I am a first time aunt. And I am flying to see baby tomorrow..for the first time. I have seen other people become ridiculous over their nieces and nephews, but now I understand. It is so much different...
  4. tundra

    Randomness! Yay!

    But you didn't really wink... Emoticons are used to convey tone, because people want to be sure they are not misunderstood. I can see why they do this, but that doesn't mean I have to like the cartoon faces. And in an effort to get off this topic and avoid it forever more, I will say...
  5. tundra

    Question Game

    Dracula was not a vamp. Not a chance in hell. (Lame joke, yes, I know) What is the most time you have ever gone without doing laundry (or having someone wash your laundry for you)?
  6. tundra

    Do you have a tattoo...

    I am tattooed with the woe's of mankind... I don't have any tattoos. I've never even dyed my hair.
  7. tundra

    Randomness! Yay!

    Damn straight. I do hate emoticons. I was first exposed to them when using AOL instant messenger at a young age. One day I discovered that my nice inobtrusive sideways smileys (that I hardly ever used) were being turned automatically into a colorful freak of nature. And so I disabled them...
  8. tundra

    Usernames!!!! How did you get yours?

    My screenname is actually short for "tundra in the sno" which I have used online in the past. I decided shorter is best. Tundra in the sno (misspelled on purpose) was first used as my name on the back of a powderpuff footfall jersey when I played in a sorority tournament while doing my...
  9. tundra

    Question Game

    I hope everyone knows you need to shred the pre-approved credit applications you get in the mail in addition to regular documents with personal information. I know (in the U.S. at least) that you are entitled under federal law to a free annual credit report from each of the three bureaus..you...
  10. tundra

    Any Ideas For A Good Book For A 12 Year Old??

    There's a fun series (with 8+ books) written by Meg Cabot. The Princess Diaries. The same books that the movie was based on. I'd hold off on giving The Princess Bride to a 12 year old. She might not be old enough to appreciate it properly ;)
  11. tundra

    Randomness! Yay!

    I know. Ew. It did take 3+ years to do it though. I just hope I noticed it on the first day. I would hate to think I was using it and didn't notice.
  12. tundra

    Work out?

    I'm big into running. I go every morning. It's true that the first week of hard running (after a long absence) is really hard on your body..and painful, but it goes away. I love it. I got into it partially to fix my poor sleeping habits, since I was in the habit of staying up half the night...
  13. tundra

    Studio Ghibli's Tales of Earthsea

    Hmm..Earthsea. I read the first book many years ago and thought it very slow. I saw the Legends of Earthsea tv movie too..and was disappointed in the casting. Coincidentally, the last time I flew home my parents had just rented it on DVD. I think I liked the DVD menu music more than the...
  14. tundra


    Exactly. We have accomplished nothing.
  15. tundra

    The New 4 Word Story

    dead into the moat.
  16. tundra


    Honesty is nothing to a mordant wit.
  17. tundra


    Nothing in particular.
  18. tundra


    There's nothing like a good quarrel.
  19. tundra


    That's nothing to you.
  20. tundra

    Question Game

    I am alone in the world. Have you ever been a victim of identity theft?