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  1. tundra

    Your age

    I began to read the harry potter series right after book 4 came out, when I was 17. I am now 22. Coincidentally, I am wearing my Harry Potter shirt right now, that I bought that same year, before the movies came out. Not many people recognized what Hogwarts meant, back in the day.
  2. tundra

    Question Game

    I would love to skydive. Have you ever gotten suckered into one of those mystery shopper scams online?
  3. tundra

    How's the weather where you live?

    I can't boast of over 100 degree temperatures, but I still have been suffering from ~95 degrees. The killer is the humidity. And no air conditioning. I lived in the desert all my life until this past year...humidity is not my thing. Give me a snowdrift any day.
  4. tundra

    What books have you hated?

    I hate Hemmingway. Every now and then I feel bad and try to give him a second change, but it never works. I still hate him. Enough said.
  5. tundra

    What books have you hated?

    Everybody seems to hate Dan Brown. I rather like him. I don't care about all the controversy either...its just a fictional story. He has a great writing style too, the kind I can't put down. If you're just looking for a fun story..I'd recommend it. However, do avoid citing it in a thesis.
  6. tundra

    Night time reading: Can you do it? Do you do it?

    Reading at night has become this terrible habit. I find myself glancing over at the (blurry) clock at 3 am and thinking..I'm so close to being done...just a few more pages. I love reading so much and I hate having to choose between it and sleep. Alas.
  7. tundra

    Books you didn't finish

    I couldn't finish Sound and the Fury, by William Faulkner, or Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, James Joyce. I couldn't get a grasp on the story in S and F because the mentally retarded guy telling the story kept switching decades on me. Too bad I didn't think to cheat and download a...