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  1. tundra

    Who here speaks more than one language?

    I'm half norwegian, but don't know the language either. The most I can do is mutter one line that is printed on a norwegian flag t-shirt I have, "Ja, vi elsker dette landet." I know what it means, but nobody else does (except Baddie), and I can pretend it means anything I want. Mwahahaha.
  2. tundra

    Hello again! It's me!

    Here I am.
  3. tundra

    Randomness! Yay!

    I am making an appearance. My absence has been, like Vesper, due to school (only 1 quarter left!). I shall also say that this appearance is completely random. I cannot explain why I am here. It is as if I was pulled by a mystical force known only to gem and her relatives, which is impossible...
  4. tundra

    Janet Evanovich

    I read books 1 - 8 over christmas last year. I enjoyed them at the time because I was looking for fluff reading. I can't recommend them as either thrilling or believable mysteries, but they are definitely a lot of mood when you are in the mood for something light and funny. I probably won't...
  5. tundra

    Jane Austen: Pride And Prejudice

    It's a short novel. I forget if I've read it. But she only wrote six normal length books.
  6. tundra

    Why is it?

    Ha, well, since I'm younger, this is expected behavior I suppose. Wouldn't want to let anyone down.
  7. tundra

    Alternative Hobbies

    I haven't mastered the subsequent layers either. But I will not give up! Fake credit cards are cards from real companies (not american expresso or vissa) that are printed on one side of heavy cardstock or plastic (without the magnetic strip). They send them in the mail along with credit...
  8. tundra

    Ode to a retired beer tester

    Ok, ok so it rhymes. I was half asleep... I think I was looking at the first two lines when I wrote that (which don't rhyme)..thinking it was free verse and lovely.
  9. tundra


    I like Cranberries. I have a couple of their CDs. They don't seem old to me...
  10. tundra

    myspace.com - Does it work as a community?

    It is true that myspace is used by many. However, most people I know use facebook instead...which is for keeping up with college friends, or co-workers. You have to have the register with a school email address or work email address in order to join those networks. The biggest difference...
  11. tundra

    Randomness! Yay!

    Uh oh, clear the road. My freaking signature is Latin. Way to go. Was it all the latin words that gave it away? (hehehe...) My freaking signature has a story attached: My parents are trekkies. They watched The Next Generation every night when it came on at 10 pm. I watched a few...
  12. tundra

    Ode to a retired beer tester

    That's brilliant. Sounds like my kind of poetry. Doesn't rhyme..and pointless. I didn't know there was such a fabulous poetry thread lurking about..
  13. tundra

    Justified hatred of Gryffindor

    What in hell was that!!! And to think it was waiting for 4 whole days for me to sign back on too. My life is so much more worthwhile now that I've taken that in. Thank you so much lady cordelia, someday I'll be sure to return the favor...in style.
  14. tundra

    Jane Austen: Pride And Prejudice

    Northanger Abbey is completely hilarious. A total spoof on the typical gothic books of the day..and one in particular, The Mysteries of Udolpho, which I have also read. I highly recommend Northanger Abbey. There is a movie of it too, with such ridiculous cinematography that you will laugh out...
  15. tundra

    Asking about two books. Sci-fi: Computer generated worlds. Women sold to Asian men.

    Er, if you don't know the book, how do you know the poem?
  16. tundra

    Help Wanted for an Olympic Challenge

    Ooo, brilliant. I have already been reading A Void. Fabulous. (Thanks Stewart)
  17. tundra

    Welcome Stewart, O Senior Moderator

    The time I beat him to a spam thread has suddenly become meaningful... I must say I like the sarcasm. I don't think enough people appreciate sarcasm. Stewart, I'm a fan. Congrats on your modship.
  18. tundra

    Pearl S. Buck: The Good Earth

    I really enjoyed this book. It is so touching at times...definitely worth reading (and crying over).
  19. tundra

    First Faulkner?

    I enjoyed As I Lay Dying. I couldn't finish Sound and the Fury though...the first third of the book is from the perspective of someone mentally challenged, and it was very difficult to follow. I have plans to return to it someday. But As I Lay Dying has a lot of room for an analysis.
  20. tundra

    Justified hatred of Gryffindor

    I do hate them..and generally disable smilies in text when I think one is necessary. This was one of maybe..3 times total in nearly 300 posts where I used an emoticon. AND it was intentional since I knew you'd notice. That's too bad about the sign. I guess you'll just have to keep checking.