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  1. tundra


  2. tundra

    Help please. I'm desperate!

    Hmm..I've never dyed my hair. I'm probably the only girl who can say so.
  3. tundra

    Randomness! Yay!

    I thought an apartment and a flat were the same thing. What's the difference? Looks like rental costs are about the same as they are around here.
  4. tundra

    Audio books.

    I've been commuting an hour a day for 5 years, and have listened to many audiobooks as I drive. I really enjoy it. I don't think they make many abridged audiobooks anymore. It used to be all that there was, but as audiobooks have become so popular, most of them now are unabridged. I don't...
  5. tundra

    Reading Frenzy

    Lots of people read during their commute. Or instead of watching television, or sleeping. It's not difficult to make time to read when you're a book fanatic...as most of us are (on this forum, I should think..why else would you join a book forum?) I read several books at once when I get too...
  6. tundra

    Randomness! Yay!

    Say, what is the price of property in London? How much would a 2 bedroom apt cost to rent, for example? I was discussing real estate the other day and someone said that real estate costs less in england than in california, and I got curious.
  7. tundra

    The New Large Font Paperback

    Actually, no. It doesn't bother me, at least in the reading process. The only semi-complaint I have is that they take up extra room in my bag. Edit: Unless we're talking about font large enough to be classified as a "large print" edition that they have in the special section of the library...
  8. tundra

    Vocabulary Test

    Of course it is. Since when was an online quiz--or any quiz capable of accurately measuring anything? Not so. The GRE is much worse, and even that is nothing compared to a Hertz interrogation.
  9. tundra

    Reading Frenzy

    I've been reading quite a lot recently as well. Normally I only read one book at a time but I am currently reading four. The oddest thing has happened..one of the books I'm reading sites the other one. Two of the books I'm reading are The Code Book, and A Void, the one without an "e." Anyway...
  10. tundra

    Charles Dickens

    Yes, it is. His pet Grip. Chuzzlewit is one of the ones I've not read. Blast..now I know it ends in a wedding the whole thing is ruined...my hopes are dashed..(kidding). Yeah. Oh..no..I've checked and it turns out I've got four, not three, more to read. Martin Chuzzlewit, Pickwick...
  11. tundra


    I just bought The Book of Nothing.
  12. tundra

    Vocabulary Test

    Well, gun was "the word that best associates with the test word," as the directions say.
  13. tundra

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Time Travel in Einstein's Universe, J. Richard Gott supersymmetry, Gordon Kane Three Roads to Quantum Gravity, Lee Smolin The Book of Nothing, John D. Barrow Yes, I'm a physics nerd. Duh.
  14. tundra

    Dan Brown: Digital Fortress

    I just read Deception Point. Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons are better. Digital Fortress is sitting on my desk waiting to be read. We should swap notes when I'm done. Deception Point annoyed me. It involves NASA, geology, and geophysics as big topics..which hit home with me since my...
  15. tundra

    Charles Dickens

    I've read most of Dickens' novels. I've even read the unfinished one..Mystery of Edwin Drood. Of course, I didn't realize it wasn't finished at the time and wasn't too thrilled upon discovering said fact. The mystery was starting to get really good too. I've only read one other book that...
  16. tundra

    Last seen...

    I really like The Village. I originally thought it was going to be a horror flick. I was tricked into watching it opening night (by he who shall remain nameless), and ended up enjoying it.
  17. tundra

    Randomness! Yay!

    I would like to amend this statement. I took this jar of vaseline from my parent's storage room 3+ years ago. Upon conversing with my mother, I have discovered those jars may have been purchased as early as 1985. And so. It takes many many years for vaseline to become rancid.
  18. tundra

    Randomness! Yay!

    I'm causing a traffic jam, not accident with how slow I'm going. Alright. I'll pull over. I may as well use my bike anyway. Although, I must say I really don't like riding bikes.
  19. tundra

    Randomness! Yay!

    Sure thing. Although..I haven't driven on the..you know..*other*..side before.
  20. tundra

    Randomness! Yay!

    Blast! Somebody stole my car! Hey, Gem..can I borrow yours?