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  1. S

    Hostile Destination

    I've wrote the following for a little practice, and may continue depending on whether people like it or not. I'm pretty new to writing so any crits, good or bad are very welcome. Julius rested his chin on the cold metal of his breast plate, the vibration of the armoured personnel carrier...
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    People, please ignore above bickering! Issue has now been resolved and everybody is buddies again. :)
  3. S


    (Yawn) I really can't be bothered struggling with your issues bobby, just take the apology and lets end this boring tit for tat crap.
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    Whoa there, stow the self hate stuff away, I did'nt mean to make you cry. Okay Bobby, if my objective opinions have somehow offended you enough to make you post sly little digs at me, then make you angry and upset when I respond in kind and you find you cant handle it being given back, then...
  5. S


    Sorry bobby, dont take my comments personally, they were'nt aimed at you no matter how much you may see yourself in them. :D
  6. S


    Weed, the most over-rated, over-hyped thing on the planet. Lets face it, its actually the most nerdy, geeky, dirty, crappy little pasttime you can have, sort of like smoking a pipe or chewing tobacco, or at least it would be if it was'nt for one thing; it's illegal. Its illegality has given it a...
  7. S

    spyware.adware removal

    I downloaded both stewarts recommendation and Spybot, and the microsoft beta seems to detect a lot that spybot missed, cleared a lot more anyway. thx for the advice all
  8. S

    spyware.adware removal

    I'm sure I saw a thread a while ago about free adware and spyware removal programs, yet now I cant find it (or it may have been mentioned in another thread) it had links to where the programs could be downloaded, anybody know which thread it was? or better, post the link for me? Thanks
  9. S

    embarrassed by alcohol!!

    Alcohol, beaches and nudity are a common cause for utter embarrasment, and I'm no exception. Got totally drunk on the last night of a holiday to the Canary Islands and skinny dipped at night for a dare. Came back out and could'nt remember where my clothes were, stumbled through some bushes...
  10. S

    Behaviour of the faceless man.

    I'm not particularly active on this forum so I would compare myself to how I am on other forums, and basically, you would never know it was the same person. In 'real' life I barely ever discuss political, religous, news matters to the sort of depth and passionate debate that I do in the forums...
  11. S


    Get rat-arsed while listening to some inspiring music. Usually does the trick for me.
  12. S

    Blue Spud

    Why? Do gay people say such things as a matter of course? Or are you just implying that they do? I'm assuming that you're drawing this comparison in a negative light, so are you using some sort of negative stereotype of gay people that you have and using it to critisise gay peoples speech in...
  13. S

    Only Way Out

    Hmmm, I've a feeling bookgirl has registered on many forums like this just to submit that one post.
  14. S

    The Battle of Maldon (991 ad) part one

    :D So true, this was researched and written in one day. I submitted without re-write simply to get some feedback on the raw draft. The fact is, I'm your typical noob writer deeply unsure of his work. I've only just begun to write and study writing, my sum total of creative work so far constitues...
  15. S

    The Battle of Maldon (991 ad) part one

    Thanks for the critique, Ashlea, notes taken onboard. Not sure about starting with the action though, as my dramatic writing lecturer always said 'never write an anti-climax'. I know that starting with big battle scenes is the hollywood thing to do, but I think thats mainly to grab hold of a...
  16. S

    The Battle of Maldon (991 ad) part one

    Nervous gasps and whispers hissed along the wind. Behind Dunnere a man moaned 'God preserve us'. Then a young man to Dunneres right began to chatter excitedly 'they cannot cross, the tide is in, they cannot cross!' Dunnere had hardly noticed him before, he was young and small, only up to...
  17. S

    The Battle of Maldon (991 ad) part one

    Just for fun and for a little practice (I'm interested in writing historical fiction) I've written my own short story version of the epic saxon poem of an actual battle, The Battle Of Maldon. Please tell me what you think. The Battle Of Maldon A monotonous mantle of cloud hung over the...
  18. S

    How To Grow The Forum

    Political discussion forums are great imo, they encourage a lot of active participation from members, and also encourage guests to register when they see something they just have to respond to. So 'pulling' them into active membership and contribution. Of the forums of this type that I use...
  19. S

    Following Protocol: Hello.

    Following further protocol: welcome to the forum.
  20. S

    Who wants to see the hobbit?

    T hink it would make a great kids film, much better than Harry Potter, whcih lets face it, is just a collection of ideas ripped off from just about everywhere. The spiders thing i think would look great in a movie, as would a lot of the book, for kids anyway.