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  1. N

    Happy Birthday Lyra!

    Happy Birthday Lyra :)
  2. N

    Hello to All

    Hi! Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy your stay.
  3. N

    RED WINE & THONTON'S! ...What was your best/worst dream?

    Spiders AND Prince Phillip :rolleyes: That is bad. My smpathies. :)
  4. N

    Happy Birthday dele!

    Happy Birthday. Hope you have a great time.. :)
  5. N

    RED WINE & THONTON'S! ...What was your best/worst dream?

    Is that your best dream, being dead. ooooo Maybe its not 'dead' but out of body experience ever thought of that? Cheers! And as for the !uote 'In your dreams ... as they say!!!! :)
  6. N

    Looking for book recommendation

    Hi! Welcome to the forum... Have you tried Jill Mansell? She can be quite funny as well. I last read 'Falling for You' which I thought was quite good. :)
  7. N

    RED WINE & THONTON'S! ...What was your best/worst dream?

    Okay Pal. Consider it sent :)
  8. N

    RED WINE & THONTON'S! ...What was your best/worst dream?

    They say what you eat can influence your dreams. With all the excesses and over indulgencies we've been doing over the past couple of weeks I was wondering if there's a particular good/bad dream you'd like to share? Here's the effects of last night's over indulgencies of Chianti and Thornton's...
  9. N

    Recommend one to the world!

    To Wabbit..Burke has several types so if you want titles other than Con.ed war. Could give you a smal list.. I have all his books. Greetings :)
  10. N

    Recommend one to the world!

    I've only just started to read Wabbit's favourite so I can't really give a proper verdict, so far so good, is all. I like historical and description so fits the bill so far. I should have like Hemmingway, I've only read a couple 'Lat Light ' is it? and 'Across the River....' Anyway, my...
  11. N

    One next year

    HI! :) no don't think I could manage War and Peace, rom what I've heard it is one heavy book.. probly couldn't even lift it. But I have been promising to read 'Seven Pillars of Wisdom' .. D. H. Lawrence.
  12. N

    Abarat--Clive Barker

    The storyline sounds interesting the idea of another world/dimesion woven into a rug but is it a sadistic? Perhaps I should go into this as we're in this section, but that is an area which bothers me - putting such an author in th same category as Harry Potter. I would hate a daughter of...
  13. N

    Abarat--Clive Barker

    Thanks! :) I've only read two of his books 'The Sacrement' a few yers back and when I saw 'Coldheart' advertised I bought it I'm over 21 and like to think I can read anything but I'm fraid I couldn't finish that one. Have you read it?
  14. N

    Abarat--Clive Barker

    Are you talking about the same 'Coldheart Canyon' Clive Barker???? Writer of children's fantasy?? :confused: Perhaps I mis-read...
  15. N

    Hi all!

    Hi-ya Welcome. I hope you have a great time here. :)
  16. N

    I saw...

    Hi! I liked this. I could feel the frustration, could picture the man at the graveside. the wind.. and her .. 'coiling around him', the awareness at the end.. . :)
  17. N

    The Snatchers by Eugen M. Bacon

    Hi Eugen Interesting story, descriptive and reads well. I particularly liked the end twist but think that could be a little sharper as it is meant to hit you. But that is just my opinion. If you changed it everytime someone made a suggestion it would never be your own. :)
  18. N

    Short Fiction: Anne and her stories

    "My task which I am trying to achieve is by the power of the written word, to make you hear, to make you feel - it is, before all, to make you see. That and no more, and it is evrything." Joseph Conrad You did it!!!!! :) Happy New Year. Pass the tissues.
  19. N

    Heartfelt Sympathy!

    ENOUGH IS ENOUGH SURELY!!! What was the title of this page when I entered!!! I think the key word was Sympathy :D
  20. N


    Mine is a Native American village at dusk. A semi-circle of tepees against a darkening sky, the glow of the firelight showing through the buffalo hides of the tepees It goes quite well, gives life to the burning sun and firelight. No, I am not Native American but am very interested in their...