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  1. Pearl

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Vally of the dolls by Jacequline Susann Brain Droppings by George Carlin Seven Gothic Tales by Isak Dinesen How the Garcia Girls lost their accents by Julia Alvarez The honurable schoolboy by John Lecarre Sick Puppy by Carl Hiaasen Dolores Claiborne by Stephen King Insomnia by Stephen...
  2. Pearl

    Where were you on 9-11?

    I was in Mahattan that day and we saw the entire thing live from the window of the office I used to work in. I can't tell you how many people were screaming crying in our office and falling apart. Most of the people I there that I worked with had relatives or friends working there that day.
  3. Pearl

    John Irving

    Gracias. I just took it off my shelf to thumb through it and I completely forgot where I left off in it! Eep. Hate it when that happens. I guess I should start it over from the beginning now.
  4. Pearl

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Yes there is one before it titled "Abarat" and it was a really good entertaining read. I loved it! I'm not sure if you should read it first since I've never read the second one, but I would read it first simply because I'm the type who has to read everything in order. (yes I'm anal like that...
  5. Pearl

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    I havne't read any of them, but I know the first Abarat book was great. So I'm sure the second will be great too. :)
  6. Pearl

    John Irving

    I never got to finish A Prayer for Owen Meany because it had to be returned to the library. Shortly after I made my sister buy me a copy but at the time I was in the middle of a book, then started another one and forgot about it. I really should push them to my TBR pile because what I did read...
  7. Pearl

    Stephen King

    With me, his books can either be so great I can't put them down (Carrie, It, Dreamcatcher) or so irritating and I can't finish them (Salems Lot, The Stand). King has always been a hit or miss with me. I find his writing to be more disturbing than interesting at times though.
  8. Pearl

    When am I *ever* getting to those?

    I have books that I've purchased back from 2002 that I still haven't read. And some books that I purchase that I only buy because they look nice and nothing else. I have a problem, I really do.
  9. Pearl

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    You spent actual money on Shanghai Baby? Oh my, I feel sorry for you. The Binding Chair is well worth the money though.
  10. Pearl

    top five on your TBR list?

    I can't even put a top five or a top three. Everytime I do some other book catchs my fancy and I end up reading that instead. I'm very unpredictable in reading.
  11. Pearl

    Pirates of the Caribbean 2

    I am a huge fan of the first movie so I was a bit disappointed in this. It just felt like they were after making money and not a great movie like the first one. Johnny tried TOO hard to be funny and ended up falling flat at times, Keira's character was a bit funnier but just as annoying and...
  12. Pearl

    Bentley Little

    Yes, extremely disturbing. He has a fetish for feminine torture too, it seems.
  13. Pearl


    I wouldn't mind 100x100 avatars.
  14. Pearl

    Do you read the back cover before you buy?

    What also pisses me off is when the back cover is just full of praise for the author by various magazines or other authors.
  15. Pearl

    Bentley Little

    That book STILL gives me nightmares!
  16. Pearl

    Buying a book you already have

    A few months ago I stocked up on books at a library book sale. Mostly just mysteries and stuff so I forgot what I had very quickly. Then I went down to a discount book store and looked through their selection, took my books home, went to reorganize the 'used' book piles I have and lo and behold...
  17. Pearl

    Do you read the back cover before you buy?

    I always read the back cover and if that catchs my attention, then I read the first page or two. If it keeps me entertained I'll buy it. I hate it when the back cover summary sounds great but the book is really crap.
  18. Pearl

    Why is it?

    Aha. This is why I try not to read in bed. And if I have too, I read books I know won't keep me up all night.
  19. Pearl

    Are you picky about the condition of your books?

    When I spend money on books they BETTER be in good condition. lol. Money is tight these days so I can't go spending hundreds of dollars every other week on books. But even when I could do that, I always made sure I had the best copy the store had.
  20. Pearl

    Is there anyone who doesn't care about the Dark Tower Series?

    I have never been interested in reading this series. King, for me, is off and on. There are times when I desperatly want to read a King novel and times when I don't give a crud about him or his books.