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Search results

  1. Pearl

    Chuck Palahniuk

    Chuck is really starting to bore me. I know he writes whacked out, crazy stuff, but there is only so much you can take. I loved Invisable Monsters because it was the first book of his that I read, then I read Fight Club, Loved it. Choke, Loved it. Survivor, disliked it. I think it's the fact...
  2. Pearl

    Friends and books

    I've stopped loaning books to my one friend. She has two kids who tear through them in an instant, which would be good save for one problem, she never gives them back. Even when I ask for them. She looks at me like I'm being stingy by not letting her KEEP 'MY' books and all because she has kids.
  3. Pearl

    I just finished reading...

    Me & Emma by Elizabeth Flock. I personally loved it, but near the end you could tell what was going to happen from a mile away.
  4. Pearl

    Favorite 3 books of all time

    1. Counte of monte cristo-Alexander Dumas 2. Stones from the river- Ursula Heigi 3. Fat White Vampire Blues-Andrew Fox
  5. Pearl

    Currently Reading

    I didn't even finish it myself. I got about 160 pages into it and realized it will never get interesting so I returned it. lol I'm reading Me and Emma by Elizabeth Flock. Disturbing novel.
  6. Pearl

    Dean Koontz

    No offense, Rex, but if you hate Dean so much, why bother to keep posting here? I'm sure you have better things to do. Anyway, I finished Watchers, great book! I started Odd Thomas, it's not starting out so great though.
  7. Pearl

    Currently Reading

    Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz. It's not starting off too strong, hopefully it'll heat up later.
  8. Pearl

    I just finished reading...

    Watchers by Dean Koontz. Great book!
  9. Pearl

    S.E. Hinton

    The famous author of "The Outsiders" as well as other wonders "Tex", "Rumble Fish" and "That was then, this is now". I think she's amazing. I've read almost all her books. She just recently put out a new book which is supposed to be aimed at an adult audience titled "Hawkes Harbor" I tried...
  10. Pearl

    Dean Koontz

    I'm reading "Watchers" and I"m really enjoying it. I've been in a reading slump for a while where everything I read is just bland and boring to me no matter what the book is, but this novel pulled me out of it. I've read a few of his books before, but the only ones I can remember reading are...
  11. Pearl

    Currently Reading

    I've been in a reading slump lately. Nothing I pick up has held my attention for too long, but I just borrowed a copy of "The Magician's Guild" and so far is good. Hopefully my slump doesn't disagree with this book as well.
  12. Pearl

    I just finished reading...

    Ghost Boy by Iain Lawerence...it was very very interesting. About an albino boy who runs away to join a circus where there are other freaks like himself and learns about life and how to stay strong.
  13. Pearl

    Who else loathes..

    Doesn't help. I've tried. ;)
  14. Pearl

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Ranma 1/2 Vol. 29 Island of the Sequined Love Nun by Christopher Moore Bloodsucking Fiends by Christopher Moore Suffer the children by David Bishop The Stand by Stephen King
  15. Pearl

    Who else loathes..

    His books aren't for everyone, that's for sure. My friend has read the books five times already and still loves them just as much as the first time. I however, hate them with a passion. I get bored to tears reading even one page. But that's just me. I don't hate the man, it's not like he wrote...
  16. Pearl

    Books with photos of the author

    I wouldn't be surprised considering the books she writes, haha. But I think it was very airbrushed. Atleast she tries, most authors let their horrible skin show. Ick. If I ever have my picture taken to show in public, you better believe there will be a lot of airbrushing! LOL
  17. Pearl

    Books with photos of the author

    Jane Green is kind of pretty: http://www.randomhouse.com/features/janegreen/author.html
  18. Pearl

    I just finished reading...

    Girl with a pearl earring. Ok, I thought this book was very good and the writing was really well too, but I don't see why it was raved about and hyped up so much. I mean it was really good but not rivetting like everyone made it out to be. It seemed more like a Junior High School student was...
  19. Pearl

    Books with photos of the author

    I've noticed that all authors are generally very ugly and/or odd looking. Laurell K. Hamilton is ok, if she lost weight she'd be a real looker. Tracy Chevliar is hideous. She looks like a skinny man with womens hair. But Kim Harrison is smart, she takes her pics but doesn't really show her...
  20. Pearl

    How many books do you own?

    TOO many. I'm the type who gose out and buys more and more before she finishs the ones she already has. Well I used to be. I don't have money for books anymore.