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Search results

  1. kuroc

    Good novels you recommend that were published in the last 5-10 years

    How good is life of pi? I'm thinking about getting it.
  2. kuroc

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Today I bought:Black Power War by Naomi Novik.
  3. kuroc

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Just bought: Black House by Stephen King and Peter Straub City of The Night by Dean Koontz and Destiny's Road by Larry Niven :D :D :D
  4. kuroc

    Books similar to da vinci code

    I'm reading The Last Templar and am enjoying it.:D :D :D
  5. kuroc

    keeping track of characters in books

    Ok here it is with some commas: characters, Sex, changed into(for council wars),job,Relation,description
  6. kuroc

    keeping track of characters in books

    I don't do it until I finish reading the book.
  7. kuroc

    keeping track of characters in books

    From now on I'm going to use excel to make a speadsheet of characters that are in books that are in series. The reason I'm doing this is because when I read a book in a series most of the time I don't read the next in the series right away I go to another book that is a stand alone or in a...
  8. kuroc

    SHORT Survey - Please participate!

    1) How many books have you bought in the past 2 years? a. Fiction: 81 b. Non Fiction: 4 2) On average, how many pages do they contain? i. Other: 300-800 3) How many books that you did not buy have you read? (Past 2 years) none. I buy all my books :D
  9. kuroc

    looking for a book

    Already tried abebooks. I will take a look at bestwebbuys.
  10. kuroc

    top five on your TBR list?

    1.A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin 2.The Garden of the Moon by Steve Erikson 3.The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan 4. Dragon Wing by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman 5. The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice
  11. kuroc

    looking for a book

    Does anyone here know where I can get a "Black's Law Dictionary 6th edition Unabridged"?
  12. kuroc

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Just bought Wizards First Rule by Terry Goodkind of the The Sword of Truth Series.:D
  13. kuroc

    need good book on bonsai

    I have a ficus I want to turn into a bonsai, and I need a good book on bonsai to get me started any ideas?
  14. kuroc

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Just bought Dante's Equation by Jane Jensen and Alector's Choice by L.E. Modesitt ,jr.:D :D :D
  15. kuroc

    Do You Buy Hardcover or Paperback?

    I buy mostly paperbacks. But if its a series or author I like I will buy the hard back.
  16. kuroc

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Just bought a A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin for 4 bucks:D :D :D
  17. kuroc

    Do you keep a book list?

    I use Excel. In my Excel file that I use to keep track of my books I have 4 worksheets. One for books(Just a worksheet that lists all the books I have),for books being read,for books that are unread,and for books that have been read. So what do you guys think?
  18. kuroc

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Today I bought Throne of Jade by Naomi Novik :D
  19. kuroc

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    I just ordered 2 books on organic gardening 2 days ago.:D My two favorite things to do are read books and grow plants. So these books combine the two so I should really enjoy reading them.:D :D :D
  20. kuroc

    What do you use as a bookmark?

    Today I'm reading There will be dragons, and in it I'm useing a bookmark that has a pic of a beagle on it. Also the reason I bought the bookmark is because I have a beagle cross as a pet. :D