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  1. BookManEd

    Random Image Thread

    Love this. So freaking beautiful :stars5:
  2. BookManEd

    E.L. James: Fifty Shades of Grey

    Yea, my wife read it, and then I gave it a shot. I enjoyed it, but I have a sick sense of humor so I laughed most of the time :innocent:
  3. BookManEd

    Getting Motivated!

    Oh, wanted to toss out there. I also read Lance Armstrong's Book once.. very powerful stuff. Mucho respect
  4. BookManEd

    John Scalzi: Redshirts: A Novel with Three Codas

    I agree, I saw this thread and picked it up. Read about half and have giggled more than a few times. :stars5:
  5. BookManEd

    Getting Motivated!

    The Diary of Ann Frank :)
  6. BookManEd

    the best fantasy books

    LOTR, Hunger Games, Harry Potter.. all great fantasy books :)
  7. BookManEd

    GCP looking for...

    Talked to Ron, over the weekend again and my Wife is prolly gonna get set up as an editor. Pay is based on issues sold per quarter divided by the staff etc. Any extra income during the summer months is a complete bonus for her, plus she gets to do something she enjoys so, go her!
  8. BookManEd

    Real Books? eBooks? Where do you stand?

    Nice Link :) :stars5:
  9. BookManEd

    GCP looking for...

    Pretty sure it's royalty based pay scale. X amount sold = your cut of the profit.
  10. BookManEd

    Real Books? eBooks? Where do you stand?

    Congratz :) Hope you enjoy it :D
  11. BookManEd

    ebook reader comparisons-Which is the best?

    I got my kindle touch when it first came out and love it. My wife has a nook color and she enjoys it. They are both pretty decent devices overall so I would go with either or. Stay away from the less known brands unless you plan on rooting them and customizing building them.
  12. BookManEd

    Carved book landscapes

    wow, those are amazing! I hate to see books destroyed but these are beautiful!!
  13. BookManEd

    GCP looking for...

    Ohhhhh! Sorry for the triple post, but I also wanted to toss in that they are starting something new called autograph cards which no one else out there is doing. Something about the authors autograph that you can display right on your device. Think they have something on their site about it...
  14. BookManEd

    Those sneaky guys at Barnes & Noble

    hahahaha I also did.. My wife kinda just stared at me and asked why I was laughing so hard. I let her read the article and she "Lol'ed" as well
  15. BookManEd

    GCP looking for...

    Also wanted to mention that currently they have 4 titles with the 5th coming out in July. Pretty cool stuff :)
  16. BookManEd

    Those sneaky guys at Barnes & Noble

    Hah, made me giggle :) Good article
  17. BookManEd

    GCP looking for...

    Over this past weekend I finally got the chance to sit down with the owner of Grit City Publications and had a nice chat with him... Thanx to Hang Outs on Google+ :D I have been a fan now of their new medium of fiction, emotobooks, for a few months now. I have mentioned them a bit here and...
  18. BookManEd

    Holy Cheap Kindles Batman!

    I hear ya on that. When I'm at home I also bust out the Kindle. But now, when I'm on the road or what not, my wife will use the iPad, and I will either use my smart phone or sometimes even our Nook Color. and If we are on a long trip, maybe the laptop depending on what kinda reading we are doing.
  19. BookManEd

    FREE book(s) to anyone willing to review!!

    eh? why not? lol... hahaha I do enjoy talking to myself! :D