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Search results

  1. Ian Coates Thrillers

    You're being blackmailed but it's not your money they want. (Backlash - new crime thriller by Ian Coates)

    You’re being blackmailed. But it isn’t your money they want. Instead, you’re forced to pass the blackmailer’s threats to his more dangerous victims. Now it’s you who’s acting as blackmailer. But what will you do when an arms dealer decides he won’t pay and it’s you he’s determined to kill...
  2. Ian Coates Thrillers

    Returning after a while away

    Hi all, I've been away from here for a while, but am just returning. I'm a thriller author as well as an avid reader and reviewer of thrillers. I produce a regular email newsletter that contains reviews of most of the thrillers I read. My website is www.iancoatesthrillers.co.uk if you want to...
  3. Ian Coates Thrillers

    Cyber Monday Kindle pricing special

    Only one day to go before Cyber Monday's special price on the Kindle edition of the thriller Eavesdrop - only 99c during Monday. Meet its assassins, smugglers and high-tech spies. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00R58OIJ4