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  1. CattiGuen


    Here are some of my favorites. Awesome aren't they!? :) As you can see I like bold, colorful (yet dark in theme) really eyecatching covers. Before I owned these books, I would see them in the bookstore and continue to think about them long after I left the store. The...
  2. CattiGuen

    You know you're addicted to reading when...

    i dont know if this fits in this conversation but i know i must not be the only book lover who will spend a long time deciding which copy of the book to buy. that is, i look to see which copy has sharper edges and as little scratches as possible.:D i also wont buy a book if its not the best...
  3. CattiGuen

    i just found out about R.A salvator and terry goodkind

    what i meant was that the people that say he's "just fun" and "not real literature" tend to make those remarks to belittle him as an author and not understand that he is a "fantasy author". you simply cant compare salvatore to say, faulkner or vonnegut because they write completely different in...
  4. CattiGuen

    I *miss* Calvin and Hobbes

    my brother got me the collection for christmas!:D I've been having such a great winter vacation! What with C&H, the complete 1st season of LOST and a great big stack of books by my side! ahhh i dont wanna go back to school!!! :p the collection is beautiful, mostly black and white but the...
  5. CattiGuen

    i just found out about R.A salvator and terry goodkind

    i hate it when people start talking about how salvatore is "just fun" reading and not a "real piece of literature". the point of reading is for fun, first and foremost (especially when it comes to a fantasy/adventure/sci-fi novel). whoever expects to get anything more than pure pleasure from...
  6. CattiGuen

    What book do you hate but everybody else loves?

    Pride and Prejudice. It's such a boring and insulting novel. I detest it. Everybody else in my 12th grade English class seemed to love it (those that read it). Every girl was just in love with Mr.Darcy. *bleghhhh*
  7. CattiGuen

    Book for a 16 year old boy, help me about guys!

    hmmm how about Battle Royale by Takami. I'm a girl but I seriously dug that book when i was 16. If he's into manga, why dont you get him some good pulitzer prize winning comics. MAUS and MAUS II come together in a set and I'm sure anybody would love to get that for the holidays.
  8. CattiGuen

    Wandering books. Does this happen to you?

    im the only reader in my house so no one even notices the book on top of the tv or the one plopped open face down next to the microwave. i guess you could say the books in my house are visible only to me....except when i accidentally leave them in my moms room. then they all of a sudden come...
  9. CattiGuen

    List your favorite Stephen King novels

    He might not have written it, but it was probably based on his ideas or he had something to do with the film-making. I wanted to ask those of you who have read The Stand, which version did you read? I have the "restored" edition but I'm wondering if its even worth the extra 100 pages or so.
  10. CattiGuen

    Book found after 30 years in freezer

    Kafka didnt want any of his work published. Anne Frank wouldve never in a million years believed that her diary would some day become eighth grade required reading. something to think about.;)
  11. CattiGuen

    Who are your favorite mystery writers?

    lol, my favorite mystery writers are the writers for the show CSI.:p ok i know you meant novel writers but those guys are so damn good!!:D
  12. CattiGuen

    Did you ever throw a book across the room?

    uggghhhhh!!!!!!! definitely A Density of Souls by Christopher Rice (Anne Rice's son). The book was horrible, no good storyline or good characters or explanation of events. In part of the story, some kid falls out of the car and dies. Then life went on. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
  13. CattiGuen

    Books about adolescence?

    seriously read Tietam Brown by mick foley. really really really good. go read it now! now!:eek: :eek: :eek: :D :D :D
  14. CattiGuen

    Book Suggestions?

    well you know the Odyssey and the Iliad are always good. Battle Cry of Freedom is cool too, its about the civil war.
  15. CattiGuen

    books on your to read list.

    hey hermione....you scare me.:p there was a thread of the top five books on your reading list somewhere. look for it. but, if its more than five you want, heres mine. The Fountainhead Tropic of Cancer The Losers' Club A Confederacy of Dunces The Wanting Seed Battle Royale The...
  16. CattiGuen

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Battle Royale by Takami. I always wanted it but never could find it in stores. I asked for it in the local Barnes and Noble and the guy that helped me was nice enough to rummage through the back room. Kick ass!:cool:
  17. CattiGuen

    How do you arrange your bookshelves?

    i dont have a book shelf, i just have the space where the stereo equipment is supposed to go next to the tv, behind some glass door. I arrange them on which little "shelf" the fit on, since some of the "shelves" are taller than the others and then by the size of the book from left to right...
  18. CattiGuen

    First book you ever read?

    the first i guess "serious" novel (that is not goosebumps or scholastic faire book) would be The Children of Sanchez by Oscar Lewis when i was in 5th grade. The book was filled with sex and all this other stuff that a typical 10 year old might not read but i liked it.:cool:
  19. CattiGuen

    Novels with a medical setting

    Ebola by William T. Close. I read it in 10th grade, gave me the heebie-jeebies.:o
  20. CattiGuen

    If TBF were a book..it would be named.....

    The Curious Incidents of the Readers on the Book Forum....:confused: sounded good in my head lol. errr......this is harder than I thought....I guess I haven't been here long enough.:p