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  1. GeoffNelder

    For my First Trick...

    You have a freshness in the creativity of your writing that makes it pleasurable to read, winky, well done. I think one of the reasons some of the dialogue seems cliched is in the way you seem to have an urge to have so many dialogue tag changes. In contemporary fiction the speech verb 'said'...
  2. GeoffNelder

    is harry harrison any good ?

    Harry Harrison's Lifeboat is worth a read too. Stainless Steel Rat though, a classic! Geoff
  3. GeoffNelder

    Author/book name needed, please!

    A likely candidate for the science fantasy author your friend seeks is George van Tassel, inventor of the Integratron, discusses his theories in two books: When Stars Look Down and The Council of the Seven Lights. It is a bit strong to call people who claim to be abducted and go on flying...
  4. GeoffNelder


    Hello Relay, Welcome to The Book Forum. You are quite correct, there are few outlets for publications in Swedish on sale in UK bookshops or on English language websites. The British are quite hopeless at learning other languages, and not that good at our own! What you do have going for you...
  5. GeoffNelder


    I agree. Although not suspicious about numbers, many are and the programme uses our innate feeling that we don't know everything (in Life and Lost!) to good effect. I can't say I appreciate all the flashbacking as it breaks focus and continuity, although it is useful to find out some of...
  6. GeoffNelder

    Large book chains vs. small indep.stores-which do you prefer?

    SFG75 said <If I see one more rack of "chicken soup for the _____'s soul" books or "Tuesdays with Morrie" I will just lose it. > Ditto for the windows and tables-full of Christmas books - - aaaarrrgghhh!! Geoff
  7. GeoffNelder

    err, hi,(very shy and quietly)anyone there?

    Hi Jaybe, Fume all you like in here. Let the smoke curl up in wisps, let the soothing drug calm your spirit. What do you enjoy reading? Geoff
  8. GeoffNelder

    Hello I am new here.

    Hi Eva, I have read The Kite Runner. Very interesting even if cliched and rather forumulaicly written. I think of it every time I see a kite now. :cool: Geoff
  9. GeoffNelder

    Bruce Durie: High History For The Holy Quail

    Any reader expecting to dive into the usual quest-fantasy extravaganza is in for a surprise in Bruce Durie’s The High History of the Holy Quail. Oh, it has your essentials: wizards, magic (sorry, Magick), the ever-present threat of other beings, pretty girls, brutish beasts large and tiny. But...
  10. GeoffNelder

    Book Suggestions?

    I have just finishing reading a stunning debut novel by Howard Waldman, an American living in Paris. The book is called Back There, and is about a photographer falling in love with a beauty in Paris. Of course the course of true loves runs all over the place, but besides an interesting plot...
  11. GeoffNelder

    Audrey Niffenegger: The Time Traveler's Wife

    The time travel theme has fascinated me since HG Wells onwards. Exploration of the TT paradox makes excellent intelligent fiction as well as non-fiction. But this book explores none of this, probably wisely. Nevertheless, we cannot but be intrigued by the premise of a man carrying a...
  12. GeoffNelder

    Ian McEwan

    I remember Solid Geometry and it's showing on UK TV Channel 4. As I am fractionally a mathematician [sic] I relish literature with a topological twist. I too would recommend it, but I recall being woefully diismayed at the non-ending. But then I wouldn't know how to end it satisfactorally...
  13. GeoffNelder

    Ian McEwan

    Although I relished the word play McEwan used in Atonement, I felt the characters were too cliched. The insertion of the Dunkirk debacle, although well written, was just that - an insertion and had little bearing on the story. But I am into Enduring Love. Partly because I wanted to give the...
  14. GeoffNelder

    The cover page

    Hi Ink&Coffee. You only like sensible form? Shame. Welcome anyway ;) Geoff
  15. GeoffNelder

    Hi from England!

    Hello Westy, belated greetings. Didn't mean to scare you. I'm like that. Geoff
  16. GeoffNelder

    It Escaped from me

    I have two book signing sessions coming up. Bookends in Castle Street, Carlisle, UK Saturday 24th September 11 a.m. Booklands in Upper Bridge Street, Chester, Saturday 15th October 11 a.m. I'll be signing copies of Escaping Reality, my humour thriller - see boo below. Stop by and...
  17. GeoffNelder

    Vegitarian help please....

    Luckily spaghetti is veggie! I wonder what a meat version would taste like?
  18. GeoffNelder

    Vegitarian help please....

    One "trick" is to think of veggie alternatives as different food tastes rather than analogues of meat. If for example you sample soya milk as a new drink instead of a milk substitute you will take to it quite differently. You US gourmets clearly have a far wider range of veggie foods than we...
  19. GeoffNelder

    Large book chains vs. small indep.stores-which do you prefer?

    Talking of independent bookstores. I have a book signing at Bookends, a small but excellent independent shop in Carlisle, UK on Saturday 24th September. It starts at 11a.m. and it would be cool to see any of you there, even if it is just to be mischievous! Geoff
  20. GeoffNelder

    Discworld - Terry pratchett

    Contrary, and as no surprise, I am most inspired by The Colour of Magic, although I do get the points that TP developed as he progressed - if that isn't a tautology. Geoff