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  1. Puddleglum

    False Advertising? Do you care?

    I guess that Sony might as well make up some silly quote to sell a film. Like Shade said you can always count on someone like Paul Ross to come up with a rollicking rollercoaster of fun type quotes for any old piece of crap. So why go to the bother of finding someone who has said something when...
  2. Puddleglum

    Do you remember...?

    From what I hear Thundercats is about to be released on DVD. Dungeons and Dragons was great.
  3. Puddleglum


    A colleague reads SFX magazine and left it at work yesterday. This month it had quite a big article on LOST. Have to admit it does look like something that I will probably enjoy. Something a little different.
  4. Puddleglum

    Question Game

    I'm the middle brother of three. How do you deal with door to door evangelists?
  5. Puddleglum

    Question Game

    To answer the last question although leckert I salute you for wasting their time with your tactics, I just put the phone down. On the same front is there anything more annoying than a computerised telemarketer? Let's face it we don't even want to talk to real people trying to sell us...
  6. Puddleglum

    what's everyone up to today?

    Well after one resident kicked the crap out of another and then another resident found out that her boyfriend was two-timing her and decided to go out and stab him. Both incidents bringing the police to our door. I need a good lie down. And in the words of Dante... "I'm not even supposed...
  7. Puddleglum

    Christian Fantasy and Science Fiction

    Try the Book of Ezekiel as well. It's got UFO's in that one. ;)
  8. Puddleglum

    Question Game

    Just the one. My co-worker just said go home if you want as they slept last night. See you all Sunday. ;) Don't you love it when you get to go home early from work?
  9. Puddleglum

    Question Game

    It's the answer to the ultimate question. Does that help?
  10. Puddleglum


    but very confusing at
  11. Puddleglum

    Question Game

    42 Can you guess why?
  12. Puddleglum

    Music Forum in Non-Book Discussions?

    Just wondering if other forum members thought there would be enough interest in having a music sub forum in the non-book discussion section of the forum? We probably all listen to music as well as read and it's my opinion that if a music section was began some great discussion would open up...
  13. Puddleglum

    Space Shuttle - For What?

    Now that Discovery has reached Mir and survived a similar incident to the Columbia tragedy do you think that NASA might actually think about redesigning the Space Shuttle? In many ways it would seem a shame to give up on trying to "go where no man has gone before" I just wish I live to see...
  14. Puddleglum

    Reading more than one book?

    I quite often find myself reading more than one book at a time. At the moment I'm reading Nine Stories by Salinger, The Double by Dostoyevsky and The Fairytales of Hermann Hesse. It's a disease this reading thing. ;)
  15. Puddleglum

    When your reading time is interrupted-what do you do?

    I'm like mehastings and don't really have any set reading times. I read when I feel like it. I've been known to cancel previously booked engagements to carry on reading a book I've lost myself in. If anyone I know reads this. My Apologies! ;)
  16. Puddleglum

    Last seen...

    I watched Spirited Away again last night. I recommended it in the Asian films thread as well. It is one of the most moving and funny films you will ever watch. It might be animated but don't let that stop you. It really is wonderful.
  17. Puddleglum


    from the space-time continumn
  18. Puddleglum

    Question Game

    Being a Firefly fan I really want to see Serenity when it comes out. I'm also waiting expectantly for the return (of the greatest director ever) Terry Gilliam when The Brothers Grimm hits the cinemas. Do you reckon we can get to post 1000 in this thread today?
  19. Puddleglum

    best concert

    There is a few that stick in my mind Reading 92 for Nirvana, L7 and lots of mud. Alice in Chains supported by The Screaming Trees at Manchester Academy in 92 as well. Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine at Manchester Academy in 93 Rage Against the Machine supported by Tool (somewhere...
  20. Puddleglum

    Question Game

    I just keep my aspidistra flying! What was the last film you saw at the cinema?