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  1. Puddleglum


    the vetinarian struggled to
  2. Puddleglum

    Question Game

    Piano played really well and as long as it's not chopsticks! Are you a cat or a dog person?
  3. Puddleglum

    Douglas Adams, John Lloyd: The Meaning Of Liff

    One of the funniest and bizarrest books ever. Basically a dictionary of place names given obscure meanings for things that have no word in every day language. If you don't laugh at some of them you have no soul!
  4. Puddleglum

    Can You Part With Them Easily?

    For some reason your post reminded me of The Meaning of Liff by Douglas Adams. Ahenny The way people stand when examining other peoples bookshelves. That book never fails to make me laugh.
  5. Puddleglum

    Question Game

    Working shifts my sleeping pattern is completely messed up. I woke up at 15.00 yeasterday and it's now 5.20 in the morning. I'll have a few hours sleep today and then hopefully get to sleep at a reasonable time tonight so I can enjoy my Saturday. What's your favourite piece of classical music?
  6. Puddleglum

    Can You Part With Them Easily?

    I find it hard to get rid of books as well unless I really didn't like them and then I just add them to the charity shop pile. I think I like the idea of the library room as well ions although I do reread. In fact I would love a room full of shelves of books and DVDs (my other vice). I'm...
  7. Puddleglum

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Just bought The Faraway Tree collection, The Wishing Chair collection and The Call of the Wild from Amazon. Reliving a few childhood memories.
  8. Puddleglum

    Question Game

    About 12 hours. Home to the Outer Hebrides off the coast of Scotland. Think I slept for most of it. Where did you go to get some peace and quiet as a teenager/child?
  9. Puddleglum

    To start things off: Favorite books

    Agreed on that one. When I was a nipper some of my favourite books were The Mr Men books The Faraway Tree series by Enid Blyton Pretty much all the Roald Dahl books The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark Where the Wild Things Are The Box of Delights The Chronicles of Narnia The Call of...
  10. Puddleglum


    lemon lice and green
  11. Puddleglum

    Question Game

    Scrambled! Whats the longest you've spent on a plane?
  12. Puddleglum

    Do you remember...?

    Ah but do you remember Dangermouse or Count Duckula? Dreamstone or The Mysterious Cities of Gold? Mr Rogers was never shown on British TV as far as I know. Though I have seen clips on TV over the years it was usually the same one were he was singing after he got home from work.
  13. Puddleglum

    Question Game

    I've been meaning to buy a new fatter, harder pillow for a while now. I have one and it practically blends in with the mattress it's so thin. Pointless really. What is your favourite board game?
  14. Puddleglum

    what's everyone up to today?

    Renee. It must have fallen out of the sky like at the end of Magnolia. Don't worry Renee all those little coincidences in your life will soon make sense! ;) 4 and a half hours left of work. Then it's home to bed for a few hours and then enjoy a couple of days off before I come back for...
  15. Puddleglum

    your top ten tv shows

    It's out over here so it must be out in the States.
  16. Puddleglum

    The Most overrated fiction book ever?

    The Big Read Top 100 Here is the top 100. Granted it's a British poll but what in there is overrated? On a side note how many have you read? I think in a few years time Harry Potter will have slipped down a bit but like I said TLOTR will stay up there I think.
  17. Puddleglum

    The Most overrated fiction book ever?

    It came number one in a recent British TV poll so quite a lot of Brits would say it is top 100. I think the Big Read poll took place about the time FOTR came out at the cinema so the hype was beginning but I still think it would have won.
  18. Puddleglum

    Do you remember...?

    Reading leckert's thread on Night Satalker reminded me of
  19. Puddleglum

    Question Game

    Russian Vinegar Bread. Nasty stuff. How do you take your coffee?
  20. Puddleglum

    your top ten tv shows

    Can't knock Xena. Brucie guest starred and even directed a few episodes. You've got to love anything with Mr Campbell in no matter how cheesy! ;)