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  1. Puddleglum

    Question Game

    Watermelons. The smell is enough to make me want to puke. And that damn crazy frog. What do you do to distract yourself when you're bored?
  2. Puddleglum

    John Steinbeck

    I've read Of Mice and Men, The Pearl and Cannery Row. All three I enjoyed. Never got around to reading Grapes of Wrath or East of Eden but I guess I should.
  3. Puddleglum

    I just finished reading...

    Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom. It was a very touching story. His lack of contact with his brother reminded me very much of my own situation with both of my brothers. We all lead totally seperate lives and haven't seen each other for about 7 years properly. As for Morrie. Wise old fellow...
  4. Puddleglum

    king kong

    I don't think Peter Jackson can really go wrong with King Kong but it does or should have more characterisation than LOTR and that is where we will see if he is one of the best directors around at the moment. I heard that his next project would be The Lovely Bones and not The Hobbit. Both...
  5. Puddleglum


    over the hills and
  6. Puddleglum

    Take me out for "special" local food

    I guess the `local' food i'd suggest you eat would be my Mum's Cheese and Onion Pie. The best in the world. Only problem is it's not exactly local anymore as I live about 400 miles from her. Motokid. I lived in Wilmington DE for 6 months. Worked there as a youthworker. I got to see quite a...
  7. Puddleglum

    your top ten tv shows

    Most of these aren't on TV anymore but mine would be in no order either: 1 Quantum Leap 2 Twin Peaks 3 Red Dwarf 4 Nevermind the Buzzcocks 5 Star Trek TNG 6 Northern Exposure 7 Eerie Indiana 8 QI 9 The Mary Whitehouse Experience 10 Blackadder 2 - 4 Like many of you said I don't...
  8. Puddleglum

    what's everyone up to today?

    Only an hour of work left now. Two 12 hour shifts over the weekend really knackers you out. Contrary to how it appears I have done some work this weekend as well not just raised my post count on here! ;) I'm pretty much thinking an evening of sitting in front of some dumb action film with...
  9. Puddleglum

    What are you listening to Right now?

    Ba Dum Tish. :)
  10. Puddleglum

    What is the one passage in any book that has made you laugh the most?

    Chapter 18 of Life, The Universe and Everything by Douglas Adams always cracks me up. It's when we find out why the bowl of petunias said "Oh no, not again."
  11. Puddleglum


    to get on their
  12. Puddleglum

    V for vendetta

    Yeah it stars Charlize Theron. Aeon Flux Here is the imdb info on it.
  13. Puddleglum

    V for vendetta

    Along with Aeon Flux this is a film I'm really looking forward too. I'm really hoping they keep the grittiness of the graphic novel like they did with Sin City. If it turns out like Tank Girl or Judge Dredd did then I won't be happy. Natalie looks quite good with a bald head though. Very Alien 3!
  14. Puddleglum


    who wanted them to
  15. Puddleglum

    Fiction involving animals (and deffo not in a rude way!)

    Just remembered The Call of the Wild and White Fang as well by Jack London. Another two great animal books.
  16. Puddleglum

    Which King book shall I read next?

    No Worries. Hope you enjoy it. :)
  17. Puddleglum


    Caractacus and his jolly
  18. Puddleglum

    Favourite Discworld Character?

    Can't believe I forgot about The Librarian. He has some classic moments. OOOK!
  19. Puddleglum

    Boys are too bored to read

    I'm another whose Mum never had to worry about them reading a book. I'm pretty sure that I inherited my reading genes from her. After a hard days play I could always be found snuggled up in bed with a good book. Bythe time I was 10 i'd read classics like The Last of the Mohicans, Oliver Twist...
  20. Puddleglum


    the gallant knight and