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Search results

  1. Puddleglum

    What fiction book do you keep reading over and over?

    The Hitchhikers Guide Quite a few Pratchett novels Watership Down In fact I find it quite easy to re-read a book just as I do re-watching a film.
  2. Puddleglum

    Mitch Albom: The Five People You Meet In Heaven

    I read it recently whilst on holiday. I quite enjoyed it as well although I agree with Pat that there was nothing new to learn from it. It was an easy read and quite heartwarming though. There seem to be a lot of books around at the moment with views on what Heaven is like. The Lovely Bones...
  3. Puddleglum

    Fyodor Dostoevsky

    Good idea. Although I just went and treated myself to The Double at the full price of £6.99
  4. Puddleglum

    Spoof Exerpt from the new Harry Potter book - bit of a laugh, enjoy!

    It's funnier than the script for a Farrelly Brothers movie at least.
  5. Puddleglum


    adventures of Don Quixote
  6. Puddleglum

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Just been on my lunch break and succumbed to buying new books for a change. After posting in the Dostoyevsky thread earlier I picked up The Double. Also picked up The Fairy Tales of Hermann Hesse as well.
  7. Puddleglum

    anyone in to asian films?

    Cartoons can be films as well you know. I'd say any cartoon about 90 minutes long is a film. Is Toy Story, The Jungle Book or The Incredibles a film? What about Waking Life or the upcoming A Scanner Darkly both directed by Richard Linklater starring Ethan Hawke in the former and Keanu Reeves...
  8. Puddleglum

    what's everyone up to today?

    Like I said yesterday I'm at work again. I have nothing to do today really though so I'll be sat in front of the computer for most of it. I'll get home tonight and probably try and beat Hades in God of War again. After that maybe I'll watch Hearts in Atlantis or if anything catches my eye in...
  9. Puddleglum

    anyone in to asian films?

    Just quickly scanned the thread and didn't see either Casshern or Spirited Away mentioned. Casshern is a sci-fi and visually it's astounding. The story is damn good too. Highly recommended. If you haven't seen Spirited Away yet I urge you to do so now. It may be animated but it's one of...
  10. Puddleglum

    Last seen...

    Eternal Sunshine is a great film Anahorish. Kate looks great in it (it's the dyed hair, gets me every time). Anyway I had the misfortune to see Van Wilder Party Liasion last night. I was too tired to turn it over. I think I sniggered once and that was when `the fat guy' shouted he was okay...
  11. Puddleglum

    Your age

    I think I read them for the first time when I was 26 about 3 years ago. I'm pretty sure I went through the first 4 books in as many days.
  12. Puddleglum

    Reading Habits

    Hope that helps pheonix.
  13. Puddleglum


    which is ruled by
  14. Puddleglum

    Fiction involving animals (and deffo not in a rude way!)

    Just a few off the top of my head. The Jungle Book and The Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling are classics. The Cold Moons by Aeron Clement is pretty good. Basically Watership Down with Badgers. Tarka the Otter by Henry Williamson is another classic. Makes me cry though. Richard...
  15. Puddleglum

    Which King book shall I read next?

    I agree with Stewart read The Stand.
  16. Puddleglum

    Which book scared you?

    When I was younger I remember getting quite scared by The Silence of the Lambs. I'd seen the film but the way in which Harris described Clarice stumbling around the darkened house whilst the killer wore nightvision goggles really freaked me out.
  17. Puddleglum

    Fyodor Dostoevsky

    The Idiot is one of my favourite books and Dostoyevsky is one of my favourite authors. I've only read the big three though. Crime and Punishment was a great story as was The Brothers Karamazov although at times it was hardgoing it's worth the effort. Though an obvious choice one of my...
  18. Puddleglum


    a great big bang
  19. Puddleglum

    Dark Water

    I quite agree about the Japanese versions being better.The Ring wasn't scary but Ringu freaked me out. The GRudge was shite yet Juon was another weirdly scary film. Dark Water, the Japanese version is also very chilling. Apart from the fact it's the delectable Jennifer Connelly in the American...
  20. Puddleglum

    willy wonka

    So did I. Have you read the book though? There's a lot more happens in the film and it's all the better for it!