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  1. Puddleglum

    Just saying hello

    Hi Rincewind. Welcome to the forum. Have you brought the Luggage with you? If so remind me not to upset you! ;)
  2. Puddleglum

    The Most overrated fiction book ever?

    Each to their own I guess. Though I loved it. On The Catcher in the Rye front I really enjoyed that as well. Although Franny and Zooey is far better and noone seems to have ever read it. Nine Stories by Salinger is still sittine on my bedside cabinet with only the first 3 read. Off the...
  3. Puddleglum

    Cancelled TV Shows

    I've just bought seasons 1+2 on DVD. That was a great programme. Ed always made me laugh.
  4. Puddleglum

    The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe

    I'm looking forward to it. Always been a fan of the books and like Shade my favourite was The Silver Chair and for the same reasons as if you couldn't tell by my username. I too never realised that they were a christian allegory. At the end of the day they are great books so who cares. I've...
  5. Puddleglum

    List your favorite Stephen King novels

    I've only read four as far as I remember. 1 The Stand 2 Insomnia 3 Misery 4 Dreamcatcher
  6. Puddleglum

    Herbert's Horror

    I went through a phase of reading James Herbert back when I was at college about 11 years ago. Enjoyed all of what I read then but haven't read anything since and to be honest I can't really remember all of them that well. Quite enjoyed the Rats trilogy though.
  7. Puddleglum

    what's everyone up to today?

    Cheers Ruby. :) The thing is tomorrow is Sunday and they'll all be in bed until 4pm so I'll be complaining because I'm bored out of my mind. ;)
  8. Puddleglum

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Picked up Point Counter Point by Aldous Huxleyfrom Oxfam the other day. Still on the lookout for a copy of Chrome Yellow though.
  9. Puddleglum

    What are you listening to Right now?

    The Sound of Silence
  10. Puddleglum

    what's everyone up to today?

    I work in a Supported Housing unitfor teenagers. I do enjoy it most of the time but at the moment we've just got a few real idiots. I'm just on a bit of a low at the mo!
  11. Puddleglum

    What do bookworms do for exercise?

    This one does sod all at the moment and is not looking good for it. I used to do a lot of youthwork and was forever running around playing football, basketball or some silly wide game. Two years in this job has turned me in to a 6ft 3inch fat git. In some ways the height helps as its not as...
  12. Puddleglum

    what's everyone up to today?

    Might not seem like it but I'm at sodding work. I've got one of those jobs that can be great at times but at the moment I really fecking hate it. At least it's still early and all the delinqueants are still in bed. Still got 11 hours before my shift finishes though. Fun.
  13. Puddleglum

    Last seen...

    I watched Summer of Sam last night. I was sure i'd seen it before but I hadn't. Thought that it was pretty good although it did take some perseverance to get through as it's a bit slow and I was tired. Adrien Brody once again showed that he is a great actor (although he made this before his...
  14. Puddleglum

    Extras - Garvais' new programme

    I hated The Office (mainly because I can't stand Gervais's character) but I thought I'd tune in to Extras anyway. To my surprise I actually enjoyed and even laughed at him for the first time. The bit where he was trying to blag being a fan of Kurosawa I found particuarly amusing for some reason...
  15. Puddleglum

    Question Game

    Someone I could talk to after sex!! ;) Working on a Saturday. Sucks Right?
  16. Puddleglum

    Terry Pratchett: Good Omens

    As a huge Pratchett fan I'm bound to say that I love this and I do. My favourite part is when the hound of hell is coming to find Adam and Adam decides to call him Dog. So Dog gets a cute floppy ear and starts rolling around in cow droppings all the while feeling that he should be ripping out...
  17. Puddleglum


    a desolate wasteland populated
  18. Puddleglum

    Any football fans on the board?

    I'm an Oldham Athletic fan myself with a soft spot for Exeter City as well as I've lived in Exeter for 7 years now. Yeah I know I'm a glutton for punishment.
  19. Puddleglum

    Looking like your avatar...

    He's kinda cute. For a bug ;)
  20. Puddleglum

    Books That Grab You By The Throat

    The Necricomnicom had a damn good go. But I showed that possessed tome who was boss. Hail to the King Baby!