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Search results

  1. marlasinger

    William Golding: Lord Of The Flies

    I read this book about 15 years ago, and while I don't remember all of it, there are a few things I remember very vividly - mainly things revolving around Piggy. I think this was one of the first "young adult" books I read, and I remember being quite shocked at the story, and how violent it was...
  2. marlasinger

    I'm blocked!

    Maybe something "light", where you don't need to think too much, and where it doesn't seem like a chore? John Grisham, Stephen King, or Matt Reilly, for instance?
  3. marlasinger

    Banned Books - Read any lately?

    Of this list I've read 21 of them. Two of those were required reading in high school.
  4. marlasinger

    I just finished reading...

    Just finished The Stand (Stephen King). Ugh - I've read it so many times, that it'll be the last time I read it. :rolleyes: Still loved the story, but it's gotten to the point where I remember so much about it, that it doesn't make much sense to re-read it. :rolleyes:
  5. marlasinger

    How many books on the go?

    Nope - I usually read only one. If I do have two going at a time, it is always one fiction and one non-fiction. That way I won't get confused. :o
  6. marlasinger

    Currently Reading

    Ugh - that drove me batty about Koontz. He's done that with his other books as well. Eventually, I just gave up. :rolleyes:
  7. marlasinger

    Five Best Horror Novels

    The Stand - Stephen King IT - Stephen King Hmm, that's all I can really think of. :confused:
  8. marlasinger

    Fyodor Dostoevsky: Crime And Punishment

    I remember getting all the names mixed up - they sounded so similar. :o I had to restart the book, and everytime a new character was introduced, I wrote down their name and who they were in the story. That's the most memorable thing about that book, for me! :p
  9. marlasinger

    What actors do you think are any good?

    I would say: Edward Norton Robert De Niro Al Pacino Charlize Theron (in Monster, at least) Diane Lane That's all I can think of at the moment. :rolleyes:
  10. marlasinger

    Law and Order (Classic, SVU, CI, and TbJ)

    I watch Criminal Intent and SVU occassionally. I used to have the biggest crush on Vincent D'Onofrio. Don't ask me why - I thought he was hot. I never got into the original flavour Law and Order, and we don't have Trial By Jury out here.
  11. marlasinger

    Personality Test

    Ones that apparently look like Lara Croft sunnies. :cool: :rolleyes:
  12. marlasinger

    Stephen King, Peter Straub: The Talisman

    From what I remember (and it's not alot :rolleyes: ), I loved the premise of the story - the whole concept of parallel worlds, and Twinners ( :confused: ), but I found it hard to stay interested all the way through to the end. :rolleyes: I also didn't really like the character of Wolfie (was...
  13. marlasinger

    Authors A-Z

    Rose Madder - Stephen King
  14. marlasinger

    What are you listening to Right now?

    Tori Amos - The Beekeeper
  15. marlasinger

    Anyone enjoy books on CD???

    Hmm, so are audiobooks usually abridged or do you get the full version? How long does it normally take for say a 400 page book? It must take quite a few hours? :eek:
  16. marlasinger

    I just finished reading...

    Ditto! :rolleyes: I've read this twice, yet I can't remember many details. :o I remember being disappointed in the ending though. :confused:
  17. marlasinger

    How much do you spend on books annually?

    A tax deduction for ANY books, not only study books? :eek: I have no clue how much I spend, as I've been trying to go to the library instead of buying (but of course I still end up buying :rolleyes: ). I maybe buy less than 30 books a year. :confused: So at about $25 a piece, that's $750...
  18. marlasinger

    Last seen...

    Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. Ugh - what a waste of time and money that was. :mad: One of the dumbest movies I can recall seeing. Just pointless and stupid. :rolleyes:
  19. marlasinger

    Anyone enjoy books on CD???

    I've never tried audio books. I think I'd probably fall asleep or something. :o I like the act of reading a book (ie. turning the pages etc). :)
  20. marlasinger

    What - to date - is your ALL time fave book

    The Stand - Stephen King :o The Pillars of the Earh - Ken Follett Alias Grace - Margaret Atwood