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  1. marlasinger

    Do you buy, borrow or take out from the library?

    I do both. If I'm not sure if I'll like a book, or if it's too expensive, then I'll borrow it. If I like it, and think that I will re-read it later, then I buy it. :D
  2. marlasinger

    [Gulp] American Idol?

    :D A big Starcraft fan. :D Except I couldn't finish the expansion pack (Brood War). I kept getting stuck on the second last level (), so eventually I gave up. :rolleyes:
  3. marlasinger

    Ell, you crazy woman ..

    Happy Birthday, Ell!
  4. marlasinger

    Mandatory reading time at home?

    No - because I don't have kids. :p I think people are either readers, or they are not. When I was a kid, my parents never had to set a time where I had to read; they usually had to tell me to stop reading and to go to bed. :rolleyes: I know quite a few people who have never picked up a...
  5. marlasinger

    Letter Writing and Pen Palling

    No, I used to have pen-pals when I was younger, but eventually we just stopped writing. :rolleyes: Grew out of it, or got bored (or too lazy) I guess. :confused:
  6. marlasinger

    Where do books take you?

    Derry, Maine. :p (Stephen King reference :p ) The setting of a book doesn't influence me at all as to whether I'll read it or not. I just look for an all round interesting read. :)
  7. marlasinger

    What's so great about...

    I've read it, and I quite enjoyed it. :D I haven't read any of his other books though - I'm sure I will some day. :rolleyes:
  8. marlasinger

    Currently Reading

    I'm still re-reading The Stand. :o I have to get back into the routine of reading again. :eek: ;)
  9. marlasinger

    [Gulp] American Idol?

    Ditto - I generally stop watching after that; then I start again when it's down to the final ten. :D
  10. marlasinger

    Easter Egg

    :D Cute! :D
  11. marlasinger

    Most Interesting Thing You've Eaten

    Snakes blood. It was only years later, that someone told me that it's used as an aphrodisiac. :eek:
  12. marlasinger

    Pictures of my library

    Hey - cute teddy bear squished on the top shelf! :D
  13. marlasinger

    Recently Purchased/Borrowed

    Yesterday I bought Ann Rule's The Stranger Beside Me, and Patricia Cornwall's Portrait of a Killer for £2.50 each. :eek: Today, I'm off to pick up The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. :D
  14. marlasinger

    King's Dark Tower Series - For those who have completed it *SPOILERS*

    ***Here be SPOILERS**** I quite liked the ending of the book, though I thought the death of the Crimson King was a bit...anti-climactic, as was the death of Randall Flagg. :eek: How could a villain who has been so prominent in so many King books, be killed so.....easily! :eek: I would have...
  15. marlasinger

    Pandora's Star

    I just finished this book, though I have to admit I did a fair bit of skimming towards the end. :o I've been reading it for the last month, and just wanted to get on to something new. :rolleyes: Having said that though, I really did enjoy it - it is the first of it's kind that I have read...
  16. marlasinger

    What book are you?

    I'm Watership Down too!! :D
  17. marlasinger

    Happy Birthday marlasinger!

    Awwww, thanks guys. :D I'm on holidays overseas at the moment, so I haven't had time to post. :rolleyes: In fact, I haven't really had time to read - I've been reading the same book for the past 4 weeks. :eek: :o But I got a book for my birthday - Life A Users Manual by Georges Perec - so...
  18. marlasinger

    I just finished reading...

    RitalinKid, Jared Diamond has another book out - was released late last year. Haven't had a chance to pick it up yet, but it looks interesting. :) http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0670033375/qid=1105913095/sr=8-1/ref=pd_csp_1/103-2009747-9190219?v=glance&s=books&n=507846
  19. marlasinger

    What are you listening to Right now?

    Kate Bush - Top of the City
  20. marlasinger

    Greetings, Fellow Book Lovers!

    Hi and welcome! Stephen King is one of my favourite authors too. What is your fave book of his? Mine would be The Stand, and then It. :)